Protect Your Climate, Forests, Water, Wildlife, and Recreation from Oil/Gas Exploitation

The U.S. Forest Service (FS) has begun a public process that is important for the protection of our forests, grasslands, water, air, endangered species, game and non-game wildlife, recreational activities, scenic areas, solitude, quiet, and wilderness in East Texas.  By speaking up we protect these precious natural resources and “cool down” our “over heated” climate! 

The FS will prepare a federal oil/gas leasing environmental impact statement EIS (OGLEIS) for the 675,000-acre National Forests and Grasslands in Texas (NFGT).  This will take 18 months.  The process includes public scoping meetings and comment period, a draft EIS with public meetings and comment period, Decision Notice, and an “objection process” where you can meet with the FS and try to resolve your concerns.

The EIS process resulted from citizen opposition in 2016 to the FS and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) attempt to lease federal lands in the NFGTs for oil/gas exploitation.  Climate, federally endangered Red-cockaded Woodpeckers (RCW), water quality, fracking, and other issues were concerns expressed by the public.

Oil/gas exploitation not only “heats up” our climate, but with roads, drill pads, pipelines, flares, compressors, seismic testing, drilling, truck traffic, and other activities it creates air pollution, oil/chemical spills, fragmented and destroyed habitat, noise/light pollution, compacted and eroded soils, sediment run-off, damaged/dusty roads, and industrial accidents, like fires and explosions, that injure or kill workers. 

In 2019, we have a chance to speak out “loud and clear” for protection of our climate and public lands from oil/gas exploitation.  The Sierra Club recommends support for the “No Leasing Alternative” which provides maximum protection for our climate, forests, grasslands, water, air, and other natural resources.  

All public meetings will be at 6-8 pm and will be held at:  1) Caddo/LBJ NGs, Tuesday, September 24th, Decatur Conference Center, Chisolm Suite, 2010 W. US 380, Decatur, Tx. 76234; 2) Sam Houston NF, Thursday, September 26th, North Montgomery County Community Center, 600 Gerald, Willis Tx. 77378; 3) Davy Crockett NF, Tuesday, October 1st, Ellen Trout Zoo, Jaguar Room, 402 Zoo Circle, Lufkin, Tx. 75904; 4) Angelina/Sabine NF, Thursday, October 3rd, San Augustine Senior Center, 405 S. Bolivar Street, San Augustine, Tx. 75972. 

Bring your family, friends, co-workers, others, and your “voice” to these public meetings and speak out on behalf of our climate, forests, grasslands, water, air, endangered species, game and non-game wildlife, recreational lands, scenic areas, solitude, quiet, and wilderness.

For information about the EIS, contact:  Mr. Robert Potts, Natural Resources & Planning Staff Officer, FS, 936-639-8539.  The public comment period ends on October 11, 2019.  Send your comments to:  Oil/Gas EIS Project, NFGT, Mr. Robert Potts, 2221 N. Raguet St., Lufkin, Texas 75904.  You can send electronic comments to: or by fax at 936-639-8588.  For more information contact Brandt Mannchen, Houston Sierra Club, at 281-570-7212,

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