Curbside Glass Recycling Returns!

After a suspension of two years, curbside glass recycling has resumed in the City of Houston. Bottles and jars made from clear, green and brown glass can again be recycled curbside.
In 2018, The City signed a 20 year recycling contract with a new recycling contractor, Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas, Inc. (FCC), which has built a new municipal recycling facility with expanded, up to date sorting technology.  The new FCC facility opened in March 2019 and has a 145,000 ton per year capacity, which is more than double the current needs of the City. For non-curbside customers, glass continues to be accepted at the City's Recycling Drop-Off Centers listed at the City's recycling website:     

Mayors' press release on return of glass recycling:  


Here is a good news report video that talks about what San Francisco is doing to end up 
with a cleaner, more marketable recycling product:    

A primary point: liquids in curbside bins contaminate paper products!

Everyone can help improve recycling rates by knowing the rules for the local recycling collection.

Here are some basic guidelines for proper curbside recycling:
1. Empty all beverage containers of liquid. Rinse soda, juice containers when possible.
2. Remove all food residue from food containers. Rinse when appropriate.
3. Don't put food/oil/grease contaminated cardboard or paper in the recycling
4. Don't put items in recycling that aren't accepted by the current local guidelines. 
(in Houston certain plastic items are not accepted curbside: flower pots, plastic toys, etc.)

For questions about recycling in Houston, contact Frank Blake at

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