Bay Area Sierra Club Meeting: The Green New Deal

Bay Area Sierra Club Meeting
Wednesday, May 15
Bay Area Community Center in Clear Lake Park
5002 NASA Parkway, 77586

Bay Area meetings are on 3rd Wednesday of the month, and start at 6:30pm for social hour; speaker and discussion from 7-8:30 pm.

May 2019 Meeting Program

The program for the May 15th meeting of the Bay Area Sierra Club is a panel discussion of the Green New Deal. Panelists are the following: Steve Allen, retired meteorologist and keen generalist on environmental matters; Doug Yazell, math teacher specializing in climate change; Linda King, writer and generalist on environmental matters. Panel chair is Dr. Peter Bowman, longtime Sierra Clubber and Environmental Management Instructor. Comments from the audience will be welcome.

To read about the Green New Deal, refer to the joint resolution entered concurrently in the US Congress as H..Res.109 and S. Res. 59 on Feb 7, 2019.   The links to the document(s) in PDF (double spaced and narrow ruled, so it's a very short read at 14 pages) are:

The National Sierra Club supports the Green New Deal. They say:
"A Green New Deal is a big, bold transformation of the economy to tackle the twin crises of inequality and climate change. It would mobilize vast public resources to help us transition from an economy built on exploitation and fossil fuels to one driven by dignified work and clean energy."

For more information from the Sierra Club, see

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