Vote for your Sierra Club Executive Committees!

The Lone Star Chapter and Regional Houston Group opened their Executive Committee elections on Saturday, December 1. This year, the Lone Star Chapter and Houston Group will have their ballots on the same form, the Chapter candidates first, and Houston Group candidates following.

Look for the email sent from Matt Johnson, Lone Star Communications on Saturday, December 1, in the morning. That email includes your member ID, to make it easier for you to vote.

To review the candidates, visit:​

You can vote for up to 3 of the 6 candidates for the Chapter ExCom.
You can vote for up to 4 of the 6 candidates for the Houston Group ExCom.

Here is the link to vote (you will need your member ID):


This online election will close on Dec. 31, 2018.

"ExComs" are groups of volunteer leaders who are elected by you: Sierra Club members. The Chapter and Group ExComs organize the many committees (Conservation, Political, Finance, etc.) that help guide the Lone Star Chapter and Regional Groups and deal with important strategic and administrative decisions that allow us to achieve our objectives.

For members without emails, a postcard will be sent with instructions on how to vote for the ExComs.