What is the Texas Forest Service?

The Texas Forest Service (TFS) is the state agency that addresses forest issues in Texas.  It is a unique state agency because it operates within the Texas A&M University System.  The TFS is a state agency run by Texas A&M.  About 483 people are employed by TFS and its budget is about $88.8 million in 2018.

The Director of TFS answers to the Vice Chancellor and Dean for Agriculture and Life Science, the Chancellor of the Texas A&M University System, and the Board of Regents.

There are three Associate Directors; one for Finance and Administration, Forest Resource Protection, and Forest Resource Development and Sustainable Forestry.

The “mission statement” of the TFS is “Texas A&M Forest Service provides statewide leadership to assure the state’s trees, forests and related natural resources are protected and sustained for the benefit of all.”  The “vision” of the TFS is broken into three parts which are:

“Conserve – Texas A&M Forest Service will ensure that the state’s forests, trees and related natural resources are conserved and provide a sustainable flow of environmental and economic benefits today and for future generations.”

“Protect – Texas A&M Forest Service will be the lead agency for the state for all-hazard responses, including the suppression of wildfires and the management of state disasters.”

“Lead – Texas A&M Forest Service will employ and depend upon a dedicated, well-trained workforce of leaders.  We will be recognized as “standard-setters,” because many agency employees are selected for key leadership positions in local, state, and national organizations.”


By Brandt Mannchen

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