Houston Sierra Club Solicits Awards Nominations

For the first time since 2013, the Houston Sierra Club has appointed an Awards Committee to solicit and select recipients for Sierra Club awards.  The awards given show appreciation for services rendered by members and non-members alike.  The Awards Committee consists of Kristen Schlemmer, Brandt Mannchen, and a third person to be appointed soon.

The Awards Committee requests from Houston Sierra Club members, nominees for the following awards: 

1. The Brom Wilkin Award – This is the highest award that the Houston Group gives.  This award goes to the person(s), who, over a number of years, has exemplified the Spirit and Commitment of the Sierra Club by contributing time and effort in one or several positions of responsibility with the Houston Group.  A minimum of three years experience is needed at the Group level for a nominee to be eligible for this award.

2. Conservation Award – To be given to a Club member(s) who has worked diligently during this past year(s) on a particular conservation issue(s) or who has revitalized the conservation efforts of the Houston Group.

3. Service Award – To be given to a Club member(s) who has contributed significantly to the administrative side of the Houston Group, including, but not limited to, fundraising, membership, publications, etc.

4. Outings Service Award – To be given to the member(s) who has contributed to the Houston Group’s Outings Program by being Group Outings Chair or organized and or lead Group outings, been involved in teaching or preparing leadership training materials, has participated significantly on the Group’s Outings Committee, has emphasized the link between the Outings Program and the Club’s Conservation Ethic and Priorities, and has helped develop educational aspects of outings for Conservation Principles.

5. The Unsung Sierrans Award – To be given to the member(s) who has through efforts behind the scenes has strengthened the Club and exemplified its Spirit and Commitment.

6. Environmental Reporting Award – To be given to the person(s) who has produced an outstanding series or single report on an environmental issue which concerns the Houston Group’s Regional Area, a report which has shed light or resulted in regulatory reform, etc.

7. Special Service Award – To be given to the member(s) or non-members(s) who either on one or more than one occasion has performed some special duty for or benefiting the Houston Group.  This includes legislative or administrative actions which have been performed and which exemplify the Sierra Club’s philosophy through the action(s).

With the exception of the Environmental Reporting and Special Service Awards, all award winners will be chosen by the Awards Committee.  The Environmental Reporting and Special Service Award winners will be chosen by the Houston Sierra Club Executive Committee, with advice from the Awards Committee.

If you are a Houston Sierra Club member and want to nominate someone for an award, contact Kristen at kschlemmer@gmail.com or Brandt at brandtshnfbt@juno.com and provide the name of the person you are nominating, the award you are nominating that person for, and a short paragraph about why that person should receive the award.

After the first of the year the Awards Committee, at a Houston Sierra Club general meeting, will present the awards.


Brandt Mannchen

September 11, 2018

Butterfly photograph by Duc Nguyen.

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