Houston Area Nature Blogs

Sometimes there are days during a Houston summer when it is just too hot to get outside and explore.  This can be a good time to catch up on reading, or nature study online. Fortunately we are getting more nature blogs in the area that document and describe some of the flora and fauna encountered in our own parks and neighborhoods.  Below is a sampling.

The Buffalo Bayou Partnership now has an interesting nature blog at their website titled "Other Nations: A Naturalist's Blog about Buffalo Bayou".  It's focus is the flora and fauna along Buffalo Bayou and so far has categories for birds, insects, reptiles, and flora. 
Link to blog:  https://buffalobayou.org/blog/     

The Houston Arboretum has a nature blog that extends back a number of years.  It's focus is on the animals and plants to be found in the forest, savanna, and pond habitats at the Arboretum.
Link to blog:  https://houstonarboretum.org/blog/     

The Nature Discovery Center in Bellaire has a blog that covers plants and animals that can be found in many of the area's urban neighborhoods.
Link to blog:  https://naturediscoverycenter.org/nature-articles/   

The Texas Wildlife Rehabilitation Center (TWRC) has a well written and informative blog that covers some of the local animal species that are brought in for rehabilitation.  
Link to blog:  https://www.twrcwildlifecenter.org/blog/