Call for Volunteers---Spotlight on Sierrans

You have a story to tell, you can inspire, and you can be more involved in the Houston Regional Group of the Sierra Club by volunteering to be our monthly Spotlight on Sierrans.  Sharing your Spotlight with Sierrans in Houston is important to show others how much you care about our planet.  Step forward and let the Houston community of Sierrans get to know you, learn from your experiences, and follow your lead---your concern, commitment and conviction to protect our resources for all people here today and in the future.  
Email Elizabeth Spike, Chair of the Houston Sierra Club, at to volunteer.  Answer some or all of the questions below in text file format. Include an image of you in your favorite nature action shot or some other creative image to express your love of nature.
  • Welcome _____, tell us a little about yourself
  • Describe the first time you felt a strong affinity for nature?
  • Describe a time  you participated at a Sierra Club event?  What did you do and what motivated you to participate?
  • What kind of activity or activities would you like to see the Houston Sierra Club to do more of and why?
  • What environmental message do you have for young people?