Rapid Response Volunteers Make Environmentalism a Houston Priority

Hurricane Season is approaching, and that means the possibility of more flooding. What did we learn from Harvey? We've learned we MUST hold our leadership accountable. There is a serious lack of environmental values being translated into sound land use in an era of changing climate. How many crises will it take until the public insists on strong environmental leadership? Strong environmental leadership can mean a strong, equitable and just economy in the long run for more people! Environmentalism is not marginal and radical, it is for every day ordinary people. 

Consider joining the Houston Sierra Club Rapid Response Team.
Our goal is to correct, address, and challenge the incorrect, misleading, under-reported, or one-sided articles in our local newspaper, the Houston Chronicle. You respond to articles in the Houston Chronicle. Your letter to the editor (LTE) will inform the editors which issues are important to their readers. Your LTE also informs a wide audience. Politicians and candidates read LTE's to 'know' their constituents. We’re all private residents seeking common environmental protection goals, but we'll use the Houston Sierra Club Core Environmental Priorities to guide our big idea responses. We value:

Air, Water, Habitat, Coasts,Transportation, Recycling, Energy, and Environmental Justice

Email iamespike@gmail.com to receive an invitation to join the Rapid Response team.