Adopt-A-Drain Houston

Adopt-A-Drain Houston is a new online mapping analytical tool for residents, schools, church groups, civic organizations, businesses, basically everyone, to adopt a nearby storm drain.  This is a simple and civic contribution to reduce street flooding by letting more water down the drain.  This protects our property, homes, and families. 

To adopt a drain, navigate to the link below and enter your address in the text box in the upper left corner to find the closest storm sewer.  Select it and commit to keep it clear of leaves and other debris.  Clear 10 feet on each side of the drain four times a year and before it rains, compost the leaves you clear from the drain or place them in the compostable bags approved by the City of Houston, and if you find trash in your adopted drain then place it in your garbage bin for weekly pick up.

Find out how to adopt a drain at