Sierra Club Plants Future for Katy Prairie

On February 10, 2018, the Houston Sierra Club participated in a service outing at the Katy Prairie Conservancy’s (KPC) Indian Grass Prairie and Field Office in eastern Waller County.  Sierra Club volunteers arrived about 9 am.  The night and morning before there was significant rain, in some places 4-5 inches, and the entire prairie was wet.  Ponds were full, and in many cases, ditches were flowing.

Behind the Field Office, we heard a Sandhill Crane multitude calling and a few of these tall, graceful, birds flew in small flocks past us.  A large flock of Snow Geese flew almost overhead looking for its morning breakfast.  A Great Egret patrolled one of the restored prairie pothole wetlands and White-Crowned Sparrows pecked on the gravel hiking trail that circled several wetlands.

We did our work in the storage and garage area.  Trays of small planting containers were filled with potting soil (by the end of day we had used three large bags of potting soil) and then we labeled each tray with the seeds we were planting.  Spiderwort, Rosinweed, Golden Dalea, Side Oats Grams, Hairy Cluster Vine, and many wildflower and grass species were planted in trays.  We developed a production line and soon we were turning out trays in a few minutes.  The trays were then hauled over to the nursery area in a small art where they will be cared for and watered.  We probably filled at least 40 trays with our precious natural cargo.

All in all, it was a great way to spend a few hours.  Before we knew it was noon and we enjoyed a great potluck meal with scintillating conversation.  After lunch we drove to Warren Ranch Lake and climbed onto the viewing platform overlooking the lake to look for birds.  We saw a Red-tailed Hawk grab a rodent on the road just before we turned into the parking lot at the viewing platform.  Crested Caracara’s, ducks, White Pelicans, cormorants, and many other birds that were too distant to identify, were seen.

When we left to go home we felt not only good about what we had seen but about what we had done.  We struck a blow for prairie conservation and restoration.  Thanks to Alison, David, Barry, Lisa, Sara, Andrew, Jessica, and Regina for all the work they did.  Thanks also to Allen Brymer with the KPC who supervised us, regaled us, and keep us focused on the task at hand.

The next service outing will be at Exploration Green in April where we will plant wetland plants.  Come join us.  It is fun and feels good.  Who could ask for anything more?

Brandt Mannchen

February 11, 2018