City Nature Challenge 2018: Houston

You can help document the wildlife species in our urban area - here's how:

Join Texas Parks and Wildlife, Texas Master Naturalists, and many others in a fun challenge to see which city can document the most species during April 27 - 30. It is easy to participate by joining an event or making observations on your own using the iNaturalist app. With the iNaturalist app, you just take a picture of a plant or animal, and the community will help identify which species it is. Any observation in the greater metropolitan area of Houston will count during the four day challenge (see map at the link below). You can participate by exploring the life in your backyard, in your local park, or on a field trip with your local naturalist group. 

Here is the link for more info and to get the app:     

This is a competition among 65 cities in 15 different countries around the world. Can Texas compete? We think so! But we need your help. Any and all observations count, but the most valuable observations are made on public property (parks, right-of-ways, preserves, etc...) and are of wild (non-cultivated/not captive) organisms. Other observations count, of course, but the wild organisms found on public property can influence management and policy. Wherever you are, observe some things on April 27 - 30! Observations have to be uploaded before May 4 to count.

More than 75 cities on six continents are asking residents of and visitors to these urban areas to explore nature all around them and document the species they find - see the full list of cities here: Results will be announced Friday, May 4, so be sure to upload your observations by then!