Yukon Wild: The Adventures of Four Texas Women Who Paddled 2,000 Miles through America’s Last Frontier

Book Signing and Public Presentation by Author and Long-Time Sierran Beth Johnson in Houston on March 8, 2017
A long-time resident of Dallas, Beth JohnsonBeth Johnson led the 1982 Texas Women’s Yukon River Expedition, the first all-female group to descend the length of Canada and Alaska’s Yukon River, from Whitehorse to the Bering Sea, in muscle-powered craft.  On Wednesday March 8, she will narrate a lively and humorous slide show highlighting the adventures and escapades of the 76-day canoe trip by four women who were experienced paddlers and wilderness campers but who had never set foot in Alaska or grizzly country, nor canoed longer than two weeks at a stretch or more than two days together as a group.  This story has a timeless quality that has not faded even a little since Beth recounted it for the Houston Sierra Club, shortly after the publication of her book in 1984.
In addition to her numerous adventures, such as a 3-month, 8,500-mile solo odyssey from Canada to the Florida Keys, Beth has also had an enduring connection with the Sierra Club and other environmental organizations.  From 1985 to 1995, she served as Regional Staff Director for the Southern Plains Region of the Sierra Club.  Based in Dallas as part of the national Field Staff, she worked with the Club’s conservation and political leaders in 30 regional groups throughout Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Kansas, on national and regional priority conservation campaigns, and election campaigns at the federal level.  Her duties included media work, lobbying, and grassroots organizing.  Key campaigns included national forest anti-clearcutting efforts, efforts to preserve specific areas of the Ouachita National Forest and Tallgrass Prairie, and election of pro-environment members of Congress.  Prior to going into a green building career as a Realtor in 2005, her 29-year professional career serving non-profit environmental advocacy organizations throughout the U.S. also included stints with Texas Committee on Natural Resources (now Texas Conservation Alliance), Alaska Coalition, Environmental Action, League of Conservation Voters, and State Rep. Lon Burnam.
Beth’s presentation on March 8 is sponsored by the Houston Canoe Club, whose monthly meeting will be held at the Bayland Community Center, 6400 Bissonnet Street, in Houston.  (For a map, see www.houstoncanoeclub.org .)  A book signing and social time will begin at 6:15 PM, with the Houston Canoe Club’s meeting to follow at 7:00.  This event is free and open to the public.

Yukon Wild Book Cover