Curbside Compost Collection -Videos

Seattle compostingCurbside Compost Collection: the videos below show how it works.

A number of cities and communities around the country have initiated municipal compost collection to both reduce methane production and reduce landfill needs. Methane is one of the most potent of the greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change. Food waste and organics that get buried in landfills produce methane, and food waste is a major portion of the municipal waste stream. By diverting these organic materials from landfills and composting them, cities can make a significant impact on reducing methane production and combating climate change. Composting also produces a very useful product - a valuable soil amendment that can be used in new agricultural production.

Want to know more about how cities and communities around the country are doing municipal compost collection? The videos below cover a variety of programs and the details of actual collection, including what can and cannot be composted. Municipal composting is an important step toward achieving a goal of zero waste.

Seattle, municipal curbside compost pick-up:

Minneapolis, municipal curbside compost pick-up:

Cambridge, MA, municipal curbside compost pick-up:

Airdrie, Alberta, municipal curbside compost pick-up:

Durango, Colorado, private compost pick-up service:

New York City, neighborhood compost drop offs:  

For questions or comments, contact Frank Blake at