Check Out Our Outings Notices On Meetup!

Visit the Houston Sierra Club MeetUp for notices of outings and updates to outings. Join the Sierra Club Outings group on Meetup to get updated information about local outings, meetings, and events.

View the list of outings and events without joining, or join Meetup to get emails about events coming up, and updates to events. You can let the Outings leader know you are coming, so you can be informed of any last-minute changes or cancellations due to weather.

You can see who else is going on a particular Outing, how many people are going, and how many are on the waitlist. For any outing in the list, click “going” or “waiting” at the left of the description.

You can view the Outings in a Calendar format, or as a list. Click “Upcoming Meetups” in the left column. Then click the “Calendar” tab, just under “Welcome!”

You can also post photos from outings and view the photos from others. You can read and comment on Discussions about one of the Outings.

The Outings and Events on Meetup are updated all the time, not only every two months like the Bayou Banner.

Go to the Houston Sierra Club Outings on Meetup at