Why Donate to the Dallas Sierra Club
We get it! Most of us, as individuals, are hounded like there's no tomorrow for money. It seems that every mailbox, inbox, and voicemail box is peppered with requests for money. However, like every other non-profit organization, the Dallas Sierra Club must fundraise to finance its activities, and every volunteer hour spent on fundraising is an hour that cannot be spent working with ICO kids, doing conservation advocacy, or leading outings. The good news is that even the smallest donations can have the biggest impact for the Dallas Sierra Club. Whether it's $1 or $100, it is helpful to us. Please aid us in being a more effective organization by supporting us financially. Even donations of $1, $5, $25 or more can make all the difference!
You can donate three ways:
By Check
There are two ways to contribute: (1) a contribution payable to Dallas Sierra Club, which is not tax-deductible (the Sierra Club is a 501c4 non-profit organization), or (2) a tax-deductible contribution payable to the Sierra Club Foundation - Dallas, which helps to finance our educational work. Either way, 100% of your contribution will benefit the Dallas Sierra Club. Please use the this form to make a donation by check and send it to the address on the form.
By PayPal
You can also donate through our secure online payment option (on-line donations are not tax-deductible). If you would like to donate using PayPal (you don't need a PayPal account), click here.
By Zelle®
You can also send us money with Zelle®. If you bank app supports it, scan the QR code below, or just tell Zelle to send your donation to Dallas Sierra Club at pay@dallassierraclub.org. Please add a note that the money you are sending is a donation.