Dallas Group

Who Is The Dallas Sierra Club and Why We Matter...
There is so much beauty in North Texas. From the people to the places they inhabit, there are rich cultures and communities; vast spaces and urban centers; and blends of histories and cultures. The Dallas Sierra Club is proud to support and assist all our communities and to help them to protect their individualism while also creating an environment free of industrial pollution, impure air, and contaminated soil. We also believe that the best way to honor the environment is to get out in it! The Dallas Sierra Club does this by hosting local and out of town hikes, explorations of wild spaces, and urban outreach to engage those who may not have equal opportunities to surround themselves with green.
Collage of Dallas Images
Photos by Ian Howard


July General Meeting -Nostalgic Journey – National Parks of Southern Utah and Northern Arizona

Canyon de Chelly
Canyon de Chelly by Liz

No early flights, car rental lines or huge crowds to endure. Just sit back in comfort and join us for our program on Tuesday, July 9th as we’re treated to a scenic tour of eight amazing parks of southern Utah and northern Arizona. Adventurer extraordinaire and longtime Sierran Wendel Withrow will take us on a nostalgic journey through lands of immeasurable beauty and historical value. 

Not just your typical pretty picture program, Wendel will discuss thought-provoking ideas behind the history of these special places and how they have been a longtime home to some, and retreat of beauty to us newcomers. 

7:00 pm, Tuesday, July 9 via Zoom

Monument Valley
Monument Valley by Liz Wheelan

From 6:45 to 7:00 p.m. you can log in to the meeting, chat, and ask questions. The meeting will begin at 7:00 with announcements, followed by our speaker's presentation.

To register for the meeting with Zoom, click on this link.

Everybody is welcome. You don't have to be a Sierra Club member.

For more information, contact Victoria Howard at Victoria@DallasSierraClub.org.

White Rock Lake Cleanup - Saturday, July 13

White Rock Lake Shoreline Cleanup Graphic

Walk and talk while helping to pick up trash and recyclables at the Sierra Club's adopted section of White Rock Lake Park.  Meet Saturday, July 13, at 8:30 a.m. at the Dallas Sierra Club's adopted section of the lake.  Our area includes one of the wonderful prairie restoration areas, so there are always birds and wildflowers to enjoy.  The lake and your karma will thank you.  Click HERE for details and directions.

The Dallas Sierra Club Needs Volunteers!


Without active volunteers, the Dallas Sierra Club will cease to exist. Because of this, your help is imperative to our survival. While the Sierra Club does have paid employees at the State and National level, the bulk of the work in each state is done by local groups which are entirely volunteer-led. The Dallas group has had a huge advocacy presence in North Texas since the 1970’s, and we’ve been working diligently to better the environment by engaging residents to participate and utilize the strengths they already possess to create positive environmental change. It may be surprising, but much of the work our volunteers  do can be done from home with only occasional in-person meetings or events needed. For those volunteers with young families ,full-time jobs, or health issues, this can be an ideal opportunity to help without often leaving the comfort of home. Please consider helping us continue the Dallas Sierra Club’s  tried and true tradition of 50+ years as an entirely volunteer-led group. Your help can make all the difference. To volunteer, please contact Victoria Howard, Chair of the Dallas Sierra Club at victoria@dallassierraclub.org.

Dallas Sierra Club Outreach Speakers Program - Speakers for Your Group

The Dallas Sierra Club provides outdoor/environmental education in the form of entertaining and informative presentations by Dallas Sierra Club members with expertise in the topics offered. These presentations range in length from 30 minutes to one hour and cover a variety of topics in the general categories of outdoor adventure, environmental education, and general ecology. These talks are appropriate for a wide range of audiences including youth groups, school classes, civic and social groups, nature and gardening clubs, church groups, etc. Any group interested in an available topic is welcome to contact us. To see available topics and to schedule your speaker, click here.

Subscribe to Our Email Newsletter and Other Email Lists

Click here to subscribe online to our monthly email newsletter and to one or more of our more specific email lists (General, Conservation, Outings,  or our State and National email newsletters).