How To Access Campfire Community

How To Access Campfire Community

Campfire Community is a resource for Sierra Club staff and volunteer leaders.

It contains documentation to help you perform your leadership functions.

  • Campaigns and Programs shows you an overview of the things Sierra Club does. Good source of information when you are planning activities.
  • Capacities contains information and documents about the functioning of the club. Tour this and go back often.
  • Outings has information for Outings Leaders, requirements for training, liability, and reporting.
  • Resources contains things like official logos for your documents, job descriptions for committees, and National Policies and Bylaws.
  • Chapters has a section where we store our Tennessee Chapter and Groups documentation.

When you register to use Campfire Community, the system will check your membership status as a leader. That means you must hold a leadership position in the Chapter or in a Group. That includes being a member of an Executive Committee (ExCom) or appointed to one of several leadership roles such as a committee chair. Executive Committees maintain the leaders lists and can help you determine if you are listed. In special cases, the Chapter Database Chair, or a Membership Chair or the Digital Strategies Lead can grant access. However, certain functions for Outings require certification by the Chapter Outings Chair who has sole authority to grant that access.

Accessing the Campfire Community

Getting Started

Go to 

It's  your first time so register. You should be automatically approved after you register and create a password. Sometimes there is a delay from a few seconds to overnight, depending on when the interface runs.  After your registration is confirmed you use your email address and password to login.

Using the Community

Choose Community. (Events are where leaders create calendar events such as meetings, programs, outings and retreats. It requires special training. Learning is a future development where online courses will be offered but presently only contains one course for test purposes.)

Campfire will display your Profile page where you can edit your profile, edit your account (change password, set time zone) and sometime update information about yourself.

Lots of choices on the menu bars -

At the top level you can explore "Community Groups" to find groups that may interest you and ask to join them. Within the groups you can share discussions with other members in your own Group or Chapter or from other Chapters across the country. For example, search for "Tennessee" to see groups in our area.

Explore the menu choices on the second row and find the information you need. Documentation, rules, processes and other items to help you are found there.

A typical resource is a set of help documents for website editors under Home / Chapters / Chapter Support Network / Web Resources. Similar help is available for many topics under Chapter Support Network.

Local Tennessee Content

One important area is Chapters, a section where we store our Tennessee Chapter and Groups documentation.

There are Chapter Minutes and Bylaws, Reports and Committee Member Support. Most are unrestricted for reading but updates are controlled. Most important for you is the Chapter Leader Handbook in the Committee Member Support section:

More documents are being added, both in the Chapters sections and throughout the the system, so check back often. For example, under Home / Capacities / Digital Strategies / Chapter Digital / there is a monthly Chapter Digital Download newsletter that informs us about new features, training and webinars to help us maintain our websites and electronic newsletters.

Your can request assistance from the Digital Strategies Lead by text at 615-390-8079.