by Jerry Thornton
One of the few good side effects of not being able to hike in Great Smoky Mountains National Park during the COVID pandemic shut-downs is that my wife, Alice, and I, were forced to explore other places to hike that we rarely or never had been. Amazingly, most of the time we saw few, if any, other people. We had a wonderful early wildflower hike (March 18) at Norris Dam State Park, where we saw lots of trout lilies, bloodroot, Hepatica, and other early vernal flora. NDSP has many nice forest trails, but the ones on the east side of the dam are particularly good for early spring wildflowers. On March 21, we also hiked TVA’s River Bluffs Trail on the west side of the dam, before that got shut down for a while. The River Bluffs are even better for wildflowers, having lots of Dutchman’s breeches, phlox, trout lilies, and trillium. There were many more people on the RBT than the NDSP trails, but we have found that it is rather easy to “social distance” out in the woods. Just step off the trail a bit, wave a friendly greeting, and pass on by! Dutchman's Breeches, Dean's Woods, March 2020 by Jerry Thornton Continue reading here (opens in a new window)... Return to Contents