Embrace Humanity: The Solution to Global Issues

Jan Berry, Tennessee State Coordinator, Citizens’ Climate Lobby

The coronavirus pandemic is preparing us for our next global battle: climate change. As we stay at home, we have time to take walks, enjoy the spring, listen more deeply, and rethink what makes our lives worth living. Many are embracing our humanity and our natural environment.

The recognition that our choices matter hits us hard—do I go out? —do I wear a mask?—do I wash my hands? These choices affect ourselves and our families, and also the most vulnerable of our society. Embracing our humanity is how we flatten the curve on the infection rate to survive this pandemic. It is also how we flatten the curve on carbon emissions.

Dr. Katherine Hayhoe, an atmospheric scientist and professor of political science and director of the Climate Science Center at Texas Tech University, spoke to over 3,000 climate advocates during an Earth Day CCL Zoom meeting. "We were designed to live on this perfect, amazing, home that we have. It is the single most important bond we share no matter who we are that live on this planet." Her inspirational statement expresses one of the core values of Citizens' Climate Lobby (CCL). When asked, "Why do you care about climate change?"—climate advocates respond, "I am human!" "I care about humanity!"

Non-profits, community groups, churches, even corporations share strong core values that drive action on climate change. The Sierra Club (SC) and CCL are two such groups influencing individuals, corporations and government to act. Our embrace of humanity renews our shared commitment to act on climate change. Your local CCL and SC groups will welcome you and help you act on climate change.

Contact Jan at jan.berry@cclvolunteer.org

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