Pathways and Policies to Achieve Nevada’s Climate Goals: An Emissions, Equity, and Economic Analysis October, 2020

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The climate crisis is here. Without swift action, it will further threaten the health and livelihoods of Nevadans. Fortunately, in November 2019 Governor Sisolak signed an Executive Order directing his administration to develop a State Climate Strategy by December 1, 2020.

To help inform the Governor’s Climate Strategy, the Sierra Club, GridLab, and Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), commissioned a new report, Pathways and Policies to Achieve Nevada’s Climate Goals: An Emissions, Equity, and Economic Analysis, which describes pathways and policies to meet Nevada’s climate goals, the equity, air pollution, and cost implications of doing so, and associated policy recommendations.

Thanks for your support! Help spread the news of the release of this report and it’s findings, and call on Governor Sisolak and his team to heed the recommendations we have put forward.

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Pathways and Policies to Achieve Nevada’s Climate Goals: An Emissions, Equity, and Economic Analysis

The climate crisis is here. Without swift action, it will further threaten the health and livelihoods of Nevadans.

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  • Nevada Climate Initiative @NevClimate
  • Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources @NevDCNR
  • Nevada Office of Energy @NevGOE

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On Dec. 1, Gov. Sisolak and @NevClimate will announce Nevada’s Climate Strategy. We’re counting on them to equitably implement policies that swiftly decarbonize the electric, transportation, and buildings sectors in the next decades. #NevClimateAction

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Nevada is committed to reaching zero GHG emissions by 2050 but how will we get there? @NevClimate @NevGOE @NevDCNR Our report - just released - provides pathways and policies with an eye on equity, air pollution, and affordability. Read: #NevClimateAction

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@SierraClub & @nrdc explored how to cut GHG emissions while reducing energy & pollution burdens for communities most impacted by climate change. @NevClimate @NevGOE @NevDCNR -- Here’s what they found: #NevClimateAction

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In anticipation of Gov Sisolak’s Climate Strategy, @SierraClub released a report to help @NevClimate develop policies that center the needs of low-income families and communities of color who are disproportionately affected by pollution: #NevClimateAction

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We must protect our climate while also ensuring we clean up air pollution in low-income communities who are most impacted @NevClimate @NevGOE @NevDCNR, here’s how: #NevClimateAction

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In this recently released report, modeling by Evolved Energy Research shows Nevada can meet climate goals with energy costs similar to or even lower than today's: #NevClimateAction

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We cannot continue to allow socioeconomically vulnerable NV communities to bear the brunt of air pollution. No one should have to breathe dirty air! @NevClimate @NevGOE @NevDCNR - Nevada must address pollution from heavy-duty vehicles #NevClimateAction

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To meet Nevada's climate goals we must be powered by renewables like solar at 80% by 2030 and completely end our reliance on all fossil fuels. @NevClimate @NevGOE @NevDCNR Read more in our report: #NevClimateAction

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Buildings in Nevada are key to reducing climate-warming pollution. By 2030, nearly all new buildings should be fully electric and highly-insulated, and highly efficient electric appliances should make up the bulk of sales. @NevClimate @NevGOE @NevDCNR #NevClimateAction

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Twitter Thread: Electricity/Solar/Wind/Energy Efficiency/Storage

To reduce emissions and mitigate the worst effects of climate change, we must electrify transportation & buildings. To do this we must quickly reach high levels of renewables. @NevClimate @NevGOE @NevDCNR, we recommend the following electric sector policies for #NevClimateAction:

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Nevada needs to get a lot more of its electricity from renewables like solar — 80% of total electricity production by 2030. We also need to increase our coordination with other states to export solar and import wind. #NevClimateAction

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Targeting energy efficiency, electrification-investments, and any consumer-focused distributed generation and storage investments in communities with high socioeconomic and environmental vulnerability. #NevClimateAction

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Establishing a power plant CO2 emissions rule to regulate fossil fuel emissions. #NevClimateAction

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Twitter Thread: Buildings

NV must quickly & equitably transition to clean energy in the building sector. The following policy suggestions are the result of modeling from Evolved Energy Research & analysis from PSE Healthy Energy: @NevClimate @NevGOE @NevDCNR #NevClimateAction (1/7)

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Nevada must expand building electrification and efficiency programs, with a priority given to low-income communities. #NevClimateAction (2/7)

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By adopting high-level state energy efficiency, building insulation retrofit, and electrification targets, we can protect our climate @NevClimate @NevGOE @NevDCNR #NevClimateAction (3/7)

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For Nevada to transition to a carbon-neutral clean energy economy we must stop the expansion of the gas distribution system. #NevClimateAction(4/7)

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We need building codes in Nevada that move our state toward all-electric new construction so we can end our reliance on fossil fuels. #NevClimateAction(5/7)

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To make electric vehicles more accessible to all, we need to invest in the construction of EV-ready buildings. We cannot expect people to choose EV’s if we don’t provide ample charging infrastructure. #NevClimateAction (6/7)

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Before any more money is spent on gas infrastructure, we should ask: is it necessary, cost-effective, and will it help us reach our climate goals? Invest in electrification, not the outdated gas system. #NevClimateAction (7/7)

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Twitter Thread: Buildings

The climate crisis is here. NV must halt new big investments in fossil fuel infrastructure that will keep us hooked on climate-warming dirty fuels. @NevClimate, Nevada needs a Climate Strategy that will electrify buildings. @NevGOE @NevDCNR #NevClimateAction (1/2)

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Continuing to invest in gas pipelines in Nevada may disproportionately affect low-income communities, who will be left paying for gas infrastructure if wealthier families are the first adopters of electric homes. (2/2)

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Twitter Thread: Transportation

To meet NV’s goal of zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 we need: investment in electrified public transit, smart growth, walking & biking infrastructure, and 50% of all light duty vehicle sales to be electric by 2030. @NevClimate #NevClimateAction (1/2)

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How do we get there? Through reforming the constitution to allow gas tax sales to fund public transit projects, opt for transit oriented infill development over sprawl, incentivize EV ownership through a rebate program, and invest in EV charging stations. #NevClimateAction (2/2)

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Twitter Thread: Transportation/Air Pollution

Air pollution is concentrated along high traffic corridors in socioeconomically vulnerable communities. We MUST regulate pollution from heavy-duty vehicles to ensure the health of our most vulnerable communities @NevClimate @NevDCNR #NevClimateAction (1/2)

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We have to mitigate pollution from cars to the best of our ability to protect our communities. That means adopting a zero emission vehicle program, closing the classic car loophole, and adopting clean medium/heavy truck rules. #NevClimateAction @NevClimate (2/2)

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