Orlando can’t truly be the “City Beautiful” without being #TheCityRenewable

Orlando can’t truly be the “City Beautiful” without being #TheCityRenewable

On October 14, 2020, in a major victory for our health and our climate future, the Orlando Utilities Commission (OUC) announced it will completely stop burning coal by 2027! Until this announcement, OUC planned to continue burning coal indefinitely. This victory wouldn’t have happened without a diverse coalition of community members and organizations coming together to fight for it.

Next Steps

Step 1: Celebrate by sharing these images and suggested posts on social media! You can also share your own words and images using the #TheCityRenewable hashtag.

Step 2: Our work to make Orlando reach 100% renewable energy isn’t done yet. OUC is hinting that it plans to use more fracked gas instead of replacing coal with clean solar energy. RSVP for a hearing to defeat fracked gas, too!

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Sample Posts

Use the link below to share to twitter, or copy and paste to your Facebook page.

Whoa-oh, we’re halfway there. Orlandoooo, no more coal in the air! The community came together to move @OUCreliableone #beyondcoal by 2027. Now let’s stop fracked gas and turn @CityBeautiful into the #TheCityRenewable!

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We deserve the cleanest, most affordable energy. @OrlandoMayor should make @CityBeautiful into #TheCityRenewable by requiring @OUCreliableone to create a roadmap to 100% renewable energy.

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In 2017, @OrlandoMayor passed a commitment to reach 100% #RenewableEnergy by 2050. Now @OUCreliableone will move #beyondcoal by 2027. Next, OUC must increase solar, not fracked gas!

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I’m thrilled we’re moving #beyondcoal, but @OUCreliableone’s net-zero goal doesn’t meet @OrlandoMayor’s commitment to 100% renewable energy

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Next Action

RSVP for a hearing to tell OUC to transition straight from coal to clean energy without any more fracked gas!


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