Introducing Characters Quiet and Bikes; Backbone Trail: Parts 3 & 4

It’s starting to feel like a continuous long distance hike.  Now ¾ done, I hiked BBT3 on a Fri and BBT4 the next day. Despite tired feet after two days in a row of And 17 miles and 2000 feet elevation gain, I felt the pieces falling into place and a happy soon-to-complete sense of accomplishment. All of the segments have been different with a distinctive character.

Backbone Trail Map

Part 4

You’re not seeing things backwards, I simply hiked the segments out of order. Since a small group of us missed the regular in-order schedule of BBT hikes we got together unofficially to make up this segment. And the leading role for the day? Quiet. How about stepping into this enchanted forest within shouting distance to the homes of 10 million people. We encountered fewer along the way all day than our small group of 4 (and one was a horse).   Other magical scenes made for an amazing experience. Patches of giant stalks of brilliant red butterfly sage contrasted with intricate details in 1” checkerboard butterflies.

Part 3

Fun marked the walk along the trail this day. New hikers came along to give us, as well as the BBT, a try and great conversation took place all morning. Happy also were the mountain bike riders passing with cheerful tinkling bells. Plenty of room for all.

Hikers with their bikes

Only 2 more segments to go! Look for Part 7 in about a week which surely will be interesting crossing above Topanga Canyon!