Kids Are The Future

I had the opportunity to interview some of the children at this event and let me just say that talking to them just warms my heart. About 4 to 8 kids were there helping out. Some were funny and some could be the future to helping out our planet.

            Here are the questions I asked the kids:

                        What do you think of this Volunteering event?

                                    “Tiring.” –Saint age 8

                                    “Really like it!” –Mila age 6

                                    “Really cool.” –Sophia age 10


  Do you like Volunteering?

                       “Little bit.” –Miles age 6

                        “I’d rather be doing video games.” –Eliot age 8

At least Eliot was honest but of course I didn’t just interviewed the kids I also talked to their parents.


What was the first volunteer event you took your kids?

                                    “I started them on trash cleanups.” –Brandy mother of Saint, Mila and Sophia.

                                    “As soon as they could walk. It’s important to expose kids to help the environment and to see us value the Earth.” –Jackson father of Miles and Eliot


I also had the honor of talking to one of our Sierra Club members. Roberta has been in Sierra Club since 1981. She has been to many of the volunteering events and is a past master in gardening. I asked her:

                        What do you think of so many kids today at this event?

                         “It’s cool to have kids volunteering. We have to talk to the kids how the Earth works and how plants function. After all kids learn better with hands on experience. They remember better.

Seeing everyone together, talking and helping each other; it gives me a sense of hope. Hope in that we have more people in the future to help volunteer to help make our planet green again. Great job parents for having your kids get in touch with mother Earth.








 Written by Sam Marin, English major at Oxnard College

Photos by Sergio Flores, Coastal Enviormental Studies major at Oxnard College