Nature Scientist Alexander Humbolt
The monthly meeting of the Los Serranos Group of the Sierra Club is Tuesday, April 16, at 7:00 PM. Our evening presentation will be by Walter Roth, who will talk about the life and accomplishments of Alexander Humbolt. The meeting will be held in the Etiwanda Room at The Goldy S. Lewis Community Center, 11200 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga. New members and the public are welcome. Click on the title "Los Serranos Meeting 4/16" above to see the rest of the description.
Humbolt--the name may be familiar but the man probably is not. More plants, animals, mountains, cities and other things are named after him than any other human being. Though now mostly obscure, in his day he was second only to Napoleon in world-wide fame. He is considered to be the most innovative and influential scientist and naturalist of all time and is responsible for providing the foundations for many theories and disciplines, including the study of ecology, the theory of evolution and even the very concept of Nature itself which is now accepted without question.
Walter Roth is a retired elementary school teacher and a Sierra Club member since 1971. He has been an active volunteer with the San Gorgonio Wilderness Association for 20 years where he presents a variety of interpretive programs for visitors to the San Bernardino Mountains.