Sierra Club, the Green New Deal, and the Inland Empire
Join us Tuesday May 7 at the San Bernardino County Museum for a program on the Sierra Club, the Green New Deal and the Inland Empire. We will see presentation describing just how the Green New Deal fits into the Sierra Club's vision for action on the climate crisis.
After the presentation, we will hear from local activists and leaders about work happening now in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties to advance the promise of a Green New Deal.
Come and learn more about what is happening here in your region and how you can help. The meeting starts at 7:30 P.M.
Back in school, we learned about the "New Deal" in the 1930's. President Roosevelt acted quickly upon election to stabilize the economy and provide relief and jobs to people suffering from the Great Depression.
Fast forward to 2019 and we are talking about the Green New Deal at a time when the threat is not economic but to all life on the planet.
We know the current federal administration will not act to confront the climate crisis. We must work at the local and state level to change the course of our climate.
We are finally seeing lawmakers and public opinion move in the direction of a Green New Deal that will help offset climate disruption as well as provide a more equitable economy. We can act locally to make a difference.