Trekking in the Caucasus Mountains of Georgia
The monthly meeting of the Los Serranos Group of the Sierra Club is Tuesday, February 19, at 7:00 PM. Our evening presentation will be by Ann and Farley Olander, long time members of the Los Serranos Group. The meeting will be held in the Etiwanda Room at The Goldy S. Lewis Community Center, 11200 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga. New members and the public are welcome. Click on the title "Los Serranos Meeting 2/19" above to see the rest of the description.
Come along with the Olanders to the Caucasus Mountains. Higher and older than the Alps, these rugged mountains in the Republic of Georgia tower along the Russian border. On their 10 day trek with 8 others, Ann and Farley encountered glaciers and surging streams, waterfalls, and wildflowers as far as their eyes could see. Come notice the minimal "guest houses" where they stayed and hamlets near watch towers dating back to the ninth century. Whether cows sauntering on paved roads or platters of Georgian food served in the simplest of settings, they show a different culture maintained from long ago.