Solano Group

"The Sierra Club is America's oldest, largest, and most influential grassroots environmental organization.  The Sierra Club is an organization dedicated to protecting the natural environment and wildlife in the United States and throughout the world. The group educates people on how to conserve the earth’s ecosystems and resources to prevent wastefulness or destruction; lobbies for more legislation to preserve the environment; organize conservation programs and hiking trips in many countries; and publishes books, calendars, and Sierra, a bimonthly magazine."  Currently, over 1.3 million members in the U.S.A.

Next meeting:

Monday 7PM on April 21, 2025

  • Approx. over 2,000 members in our area.


Sierra Club Campaigns

  • Stop the California Forever grab of pristine agricultural land

  • Promote affordable housing near jobs within existing city limits.

  • Preserve Mare Island wildlands

  • Stop fossil fuel drilling and pollution in the Suisun Marsh

  • Save water resources from Lake Berryessa

  • Highway 37 marshland preservation and equitable tolling

  • Preserve Benicia Arsenal


Sierra Club Solano Group PO Box 54 Suisun City, CA 94585 |

Winged Migration table
January 31 – February 2, 2025
Mare Island, Vallejo, CA



Monthly Hikes and Events in collaboration with Solano Land Trust:

Solano Land Trust


Local Wild & Scenic Trails and Rivers Hiking Outings

(Some outings are posted below. Go to our "Redwood chapter" page)) 

(click here) "Sierra Club Solano Group" YouTube (click here)

 Note: Dixon (east region) is a part of Yolo Group.

Important Links

 National Programs                  Stand Against Ocean           

 Food Health                               Youth Programs 

 Ready For 100%                       Benefits of Membership      

        California Endangered Species Act




All Sierra Club trips are open to the public unless otherwise announced. You are free to bring all members of your family and guests. Children are usually welcome, but if you doubt that they are old enough to manage the trip, call the leader. (Please refer to the chart below to determine the degree of difficulty.)

The actual mileage will be listed for each trip. The elevation gain will reflect the gain from the start of the hike to the highest point. If you need to know the cumulative gain, please contact the leader.

PACE - How fast or slow does a leader go? Check your hike leader's pace below.

 Hiking Pace by Leader

Varies, see hike description for detailsJim Gannon, Phil Kohlmetz, Doug Tracy
Moderate-pace with few stopsLorrie Lagasse, Julie Kreis, Paul Farley
Moderate-pace with more frequent stopsCarol Vellutini, Yvonne Kramer, Brian Collett, Jonah Freedman, Steve Devoto, Ned Forsyth, Pete McGee
Slower-paceAllison Bronkall, Carl Inglin


  • Outings will start not later than 15 minutes after the scheduled meeting time.
  • The leader is in charge of the trip and is responsible for your welfare and the good name of the Club. He/she must have your cooperation to make the trip safe, pleasant, and rewarding. Never charge ahead of the leader and keep within sight or shouting distance of the person ahead of you, so you do not miss an intersecting trail. 
  • Do not lag behind the rear leader: if you need help, the rear leader will remain to assist you. Do not leave the group without the leader's permission.
  • Be adequately equipped and prepared. You should carry lunch, a cup, and liquids. Be sure your shoes are adequate, well broken in, and preferably low-heeled shoes with high tops.
  • Guard against fire. Do not smoke on trails in fire season. Build fires only with the leader's permission, and extinguish them completely. Guns, pets, or radios are not to be brought on hikes.
  • The Sierra Club does not have insurance for carpooling arrangements and assumes no liability for them. Participants assume the risks associated with travel. Redwood Chapter suggests that a 20-cents per car per mile compensation be paid to the driver you ride with. Carpools are not part of the outing but a means of conserving natural resources.
  • All participants on Sierra Club outings are required to sign a standard liability waiver. If you would like to read the liability waiver before you chose to participate in an outing, please go to:, or contact the Outings Department at (415) 977-5528 for a printed version.

Hiking Pace by Leader: How Fast or Slow Do You Go?
Wonder if an outing leader walks fast or slow? 
Keep in mind that the leader’s speed is but one part of hiking. How high up a mountain the hike starts, the total mileage, and elevation gain (uphill) and loss (downhill) greatly affect the difficulty of a hike, regardless of how fast or slow you walk. 

If you have any doubts about being able to do a hike or have other questions, please call the leader to discuss your concerns. These ratings only serve as a guide and are not a substitute for you being inappropriate physical condition before participating in an outing.Leaders are grouped according to how fast they normally hike. Please keep in mind that this info is to help you decide if a hike is right for you. The outing rating instructions to hikers are also important for participants to read. Look at the difficulty of the hike. If the rating is moderate with few or more frequent stops, a fast pace hiker must hike slower to accommodate that rating. 


Sat. June 15 - Solano Group. Family-Friendly Mare Island Hike.
Enjoy a moderate 3.0 mi R/T walk past a historic cemetery and some abandoned bunkers up to the top of Mare Island. We’ll take in great views of the Carquinez Strait, San Pablo Bay, Mt Tam, and Mt. Diablo. Vallejo never looked so good. Bring sturdy shoes, water, a hat, sunscreen, and a snack—$ 5 suggested donation for the Mare Island Shoreline Heritage Preserve’s conservation efforts. Friendly, well-behaved dogs on leash are welcome—all ages. The total trip time is estimated to be 2 hours. Rain cancels. Class M-3-A. Meet: 10:00am at Trailhead at Mare Island Shoreline Heritage Preserve Parking at the end of Railroad Ave Vallejo. Take Azure Dr south through the roundabout. Left on 14th, right on Railroad Ave. Follow Railroad Ave through the South Gate to the Park kiosk and park in the lot on the right. Leader Phil Kohlmetz, 707-704-0350.


Want to Become an Outings Leader?

Contact Redwood Chapter Outings Chair Louis Vas! :)
lvas - at -

Vas, a Sonoma County resident, grew up in Santa Rosa where he developed his love of outdoors through participation with his Boy Scout troop. A longtime educator, Vas is passionate about bringing people into nature and exploring new trails.  

You can also fill out an application and find additional resources by clicking here. 



Any sooner excursions may hopefully be posted soon.

Video's to Watch/Study

Website: (Meeting schedule, local actions, etc)   

Sierra Club Talks with Vallejo Mayor Bob Sampayan (2016)

Environmental Speech Winner (Barnes & Noble- Fairfield)

The Girl Who Silenced the World for 5 minutes

Sierra Club: About Us

Stand Against Ocerm

Ecosia Added to Public County Library Search Engines