Ways to Get Involved: Attend Meetings - Student Volunteer Program - And More

Attend Conservation Committee Meetings

Please consider attending a Napa Sierra Club Conservation Committee meeting. This group addresses several environmental issues facing Napa County. We have sub-committees that focus on Water and Land use issues. Climate Change issues are addressed regularly. No prior experience necessary. Check the calendar for the Conservation and Executive Committee meeting dates. (Pictured: Excom members Nick Cheranich, Scott Thomason, David Campbell, and Chris Benz. Student volunteers Kate Bit, Liliana Karesh, and Paulina Zambrano.)
For more information, contact the Conservation Committee.

Can't Attend? Then Please Consider DONATING to the Napa Sierra Club Group. CLICK HERE to DONATE

Join Our Student Volunteer Program

College and High School students are encouraged to apply for the Student Volunteer Internship Program with the Napa Sierra Club. The program begins in late January and lasts about 10 months. The application process usually begins in late November or December of the prior year. (Pictured: our current student interns Maia M., American Canyon High; Paulina Z., Vintage High; Kate B. American Canyon High; and Lilliana K, Napa High.)

Members of our Executive Committee work with and mentor the students to help them set their own objectives, which usually entails doing 5-6 projects throughout the entire period. Projects can be part of one's own class assignments. Attending and participating in at least five Conservation Committee meetings, which are highly educational, is mandatory.

Alisa's artworkExamples of previous projects that students have completed include writing articles for our newsletter and/or the Napa Register on subjects like climate change, climate justice, or what favorite hikes the intern recommends. Interns have spoken publicly on behalf of the Napa Sierra Club at hearings and meetings at various governmental/environmental committees, such as the Napa County Climate Action Committee, County Board of Supervisors, Napa City Council, and elsewhere. They have spoken directly with legislators and other elected officials. (Digital art work, right, by Alisa Karesh, 2021 Student Volunteer.)

Creative activities associated with the environment are also encouraged, such as drawing or painting, photography, or writing poems or songs, blogging or vlogging. Interns are asked to help with posting content on our social media pages too. Past volunteers have created educational environmental programs for younger students in classrooms or libraries. Doing environmental research and presenting it is also appropriate. (Photo: Kate B. demonstrates how sea level rise affects the wetlands at the American Canyon Earth Day event.)

The question is, “What types of activities or projects related to the environment would you like to pursue?”

Students will receive a $500 stipend as well as a letter of recommendation to their college admissions and/or future employment. Please contact us for more information and/or access to our Online Student Volunteer Application.

Want a Way to Fight Climate Change Now? Join us at the Napa County Climate Challenge, aka RegenerationNapa.org

RegenerationNapa.org Sign InWe sometimes wonder what we can do about Climate Change. Well there is something we can do right now without waiting for politicians to change policies (though it's still important to seek policy change from our elected officials). 

We would like you to please consider joining RegenerationNapa.org and make a difference--Now. It is a tool that allows you and your household first to calculate your carbon footprint, and then guide you in how to cut those emissions via dozens of easy, moderate, or more difficult Actions.
RegenerationNapa.org ActionsStart by joining our Climate Challenge/Regeneration Napa Sierra Club Community, here. See how your actions can earn points for our team, and save you money. Oh, and possibly help save the planet too.
If you need assistance, watch this tutorial. Or, please email me with any questions you have (Nick: napavalleysierraclub@gmail.com). Thank you.


Adopt a Park

A group of Sierra Club volunteers has been assisting the cultivation of young native plants at Napa’s Trancas Crossing Park, on Trancas and Soscol. Our work parties go out for a couple of hours at a time, weeding and mulching, while enjoying the cries of hawks, and the graceful soaring of swallows. To join our volunteer group, contact napavalleysierraclub@gmail.com.

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