Napa Sierra Club's In-Person "Meet n Greet" Event, by David Campbell

How can we have meaningful interactions with Napa County Sierra Club members and supporters? That is a question that has befuddled the members of the Executive Committee for years. And yet, the answer has always been right before our eyes and, in January, we finally had the “Ah ha” moment and decided to “go for it.” We would hold a “meet ‘n greet” after work get together. (Photo: our student interns literally met and greeted all the attendees)

From there, the idea took off; Elayna Trucker brought her event planning skills, Scott Thomason made a generous donation to offset the costs, and Nick Cheranich provided his strong leadership. Roland Dumas and I mostly watched as things developed, but we figured that was a valuable contribution too. (Photo: guests mingling, enjoying good food and drink)

The event, an early evening wine and hors d’oeuvres gathering, was held at Bay Grape in Napa on May 16th, and it attracted over two dozen Sierra Club members and supporters who arrived with great ideas as to where the Club should focus its efforts. Additionally, we were joined by Dan Mayhew, the Chair of the Redwood Chapter of the Club and by Amber Manfree, the newly elected County Supervisor for District 4, and four of the young environmental interns who are sponsored by the Napa Group. (Photo: Dumas and Manfree discussing issues provided by attendees)

We had a time devoted to mingling and tasting some wonderful wines from around the world, all produced from grapes grown using regenerative, eco-friendly, farming techniques (my favorite was the Chinon from Domaine Olga Raffault in France’s Loire Valley). Nick then took the lead and had each of the members of the group’s Executive Committee introduce themselves. This was followed by descriptions from each of the interns of the projects on which they are working. It is amazing what these bright young high school students are accomplishing! (Photo: Terry, Nancy, and Ellen discussing the state of the environment)

Nick and Elayna passed out “Post-its” to all the attendees and everyone was invited to affix a note to a chart indicating the broad areas of Sierra Club interest. Land use issues were those that most concerned the members, along with water issues and establishing a wildlife corridor. The attendees provided clear direction as to where the group’s efforts ought to be focused. (Photo: courtesy of On the Road Podcast)

Overall, the event was a great success. The ExCom members were able to mingle with Napa’s Sierra Club members, to begin to get to know them, and to hear where their priorities lay. We hope that this initiative will become a Club tradition in Napa so stay tuned for information on the next event!

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