Napa Sierra Club Newsletter February 2022


The Jan./Feb. 2022 Napa Sierra Club Newsletter

Dear Supporter,

News from the Chair

Greetings. Please join us in welcoming Yvonne Baginski as our new Executive Committee member. Our ExCom is now complete with seven volunteers (although we're still in need for volunteers for other duties). You can read more about Yvonne, below.

Congratulations to Joelle Gallagher, who is running for the District 1 Board of Supervisors seat. The ExCom sent questionnaires to candidates from Districts 1 and 3. We voted unanimously to recommend Ms. Gallagher to the California Sierra Club for its endorsement. We were not, however, able to come to a majority vote as to which candidate to endorse for the District 3 race.

Please read Roland Dumas' article, below, that summarizes our final comments on the Napa Groundwater Sustainability Plan. We will be sending the final comments to the State Department of Water Resources. It explains several reasons why we are still critical of the Plan. Photo by Nick Cheranich

This May, the Napa Valley Vine Trail Coalition will be holding it's month-long fundraising event, Loco-motion. The ExCom voted to donate $1000, and to form a team. Please see below on how you can join our Napa Sierra Club Team to help in this wonderful cause.

Currently, we are looking into several environmental issues. One issue is the request by Vulcan Materials, a large corporation headquartered in Alabama, for approval of a use permit to allow a Ready-mix concrete facility near the airport. Our concerns:

  • The project has potentially negative environmental effects because of its proximity to Fagan Creek, which flows out to the Fagan Marsh Marine Park next to the airport.
  • The company has also bought the Harold Smith & Sons ready-mix concrete facility in St. Helena. It is right next to Sulphur Creek, as well as two local schools and several neighborhoods. Locals there are worried about the negative health and environmental effects from the recent increase in production at the site. Photo by Astrid Westvang.

Speaking of environmental issues, please be on the lookout in the coming days for a short survey from us. We want to better understand the issues that are important to you, and to see if you are interested in volunteering to do something regarding those issues.

Lastly, for a multitude of great articles from our members, please see below.

Want to get involved? Our next Conservation Committee meeting will be March 15, 2022 at 6:30PM. Just click on the RSVP button below and I'll send you a Zoom invite in the near future. Thank you.

- Nick Cheranich, ExCom Chair

RSVP for Our Next Conservation Committee Meeting

Please Welcome Yvonne Baginski to the NSC ExCom
Story by Yvonne Baginski

A lifelong advocate for social justice, business entrepreneur and community activist, Yvonne's recently retired from the nonprofit she founded, Share the Care Napa Valley. She is currently a Senior Senator, representing Napa and Solano Counties for the California Senior Legislature, and has taken on the environmental charge to make the world a liveable place for her three children, and one grandchild.

An avid reader, animal lover, nature walker and theater-goer, Yvonne has been known to write stories, poetry and has performed original narratives at the Marsh Theater in San Francisco. She's also ghostwritten several memoirs, is often opinioning on the editorial pages of the local newspaper and has found that ever widening circles of friends and acquaintances bring an immeasurable richness to life.

In her work with Sierra Club, she hopes to change the story of our culture to one of reverence for our planet where we all recognize and live with nature as one. Her hope is that what she can accomplish in the short time left, might make a difference for the greater good.

Napa’s Water Plan Challenge: Our View
Story by Roland Dumas, PhD; Photo by Fernando Vergara

Our experience in trying to influence Napa County’s Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) to be more preventive, inclusive, and sustainable were described in an article in the Redwood Chapter newsletter, here.

Why do we care and wish to participate when the official groundwater planning process is populated by many interested and expert individuals selected by the county? It’s because we see a difference between the values of the Sierra Club and the process of creating this groundwater sustainability plan.

Click here to learn more.

Sierra Club Napa County Group

The Sierra Club Endorses Joelle Gallagher for District 1 Supervisor
by the Napa Sierra Club Excom

As a County Planning Commissioner, Joelle Gallagher has shown her commitment to protecting Napa County's natural resources. She understands the critical need to reassess land use and water use in light of the pressures of drought and wildfires brought on by climate change. This is why the Sierra Club is endorsing Gallagher for District 1 Supervisor for Napa County. If you live in District 1, please consider voting for her in the June 7 Primary.

Sierra Club Napa County Group

Big Changes in the City of Napa’s General Plan Coming Our Way
Article by Chris Benz

The City of Napa has been working on an update to the 1998 General Plan since 2018.  This update is referred to as the Napa 2040 General Plan and it will contain two new Elements (chapters) that will help guide the city in these “new normal” times of climate change and increasing income inequality.

The 2040 General Plan is our chance, as City of Napa residents, to “get it right” and create a healthy, livable, climate-safe city for all.  Read on about the issues and then take a look at the draft Plan and let our Mayor and City Council members know what you want.

Click here to learn more.

Sierra Club Napa County Group

American Canyon Ecology Center Update
by Scott Thomason

The American Canyon Community & Parks Foundation (ACCPF) continues its efforts to repurpose the City’s existing maintenance facility into a year-round Ecology Center open to the public. (The Sierra Club’s Redwood Chapter has already committed $50,000 for this project.)  Recently ACCPF has hired Casey Hughes, a Napa architect, to work closely with ACCPF on the Ecology Center as Project Manager.  We are beginning the schematic design this month and expect to have it finished by summer.  

ACCPF is planning to kick off a campaign for private donations after the design work is completed. This year, ACCPF also hopes to complete necessary engineering surveys and have a grant ready project plan. Additionally, we expect to have construction bids by summer.

More news will be shared throughout 2022.

American Canyon Moves Forward on Banning All New Gas Stations

by Scott Thomason; Illustration: Eniola Odetunde/Axios

On February 1, the American Canyon City Council will approve code revisions banning new gas stations in the city. Currently, there are three existing stations and another one under construction, all along Highway 29.

“This has been something in the making for a while,” City Councilmember David Oro said.
Concerns that prompted this decision include fossil fuels contributing to climate change and how more gas stations would impact the aesthetics of American Canyon along Highway 29. 

The City’s decision has squashed two new gas station proposals and existing stations cannot add any new pumps.
However, existing stations and the new one being built can add electric vehicle charging stations and hydrogen dispensers. In addition, the city is adding a new category to its laws. While new gas stations would be out, new zero emission vehicle service stations would be allowed.

Please read this article for more info.

On Being a Citizen Environmentalist
Story and photo by Yvonne Baginski

It’s not easy trying to be a Citizen Environmentalist. Besides being diligent in recycling and composting, I never really thought of myself as one. But as you’ll see, the following story highlights my efforts in trying to keep a part of our beloved Napa County from environmental neglect and destruction from unrestrained development.

Click here to read more.

Sierra Club Napa County Group

Understanding CA’s New Composting Law
Story and photo by Samantha Smith

California’s new commercial composting law, SB 1383, requires all California residents and businesses to compost their food scraps. The new law, signed by then Governor Jerry Brown in 2016 couldn’t come a moment too soon. Food waste in landfills is a huge problem for global warming, because when food rots in a landfill it produces methane, a potent greenhouse gas.

Click here to learn more.

Sierra Club Napa County Group

Napa Valley Vine Trail Month of Movement Challenge

This May the Napa Valley Vine Trail Coalition will be holding it's month-long fundraising event, Loco-motion.  

As we did last year, the Napa Sierra Club is forming a team, captained by our fearless leader, Ellen Udoff, and you are invited to join us.

This is a fun and (relatively) inexpensive way to support a great cause--a 47-mile bike and pedestrian trail from Vallejo to Calistoga!  Join the Sierra Club team, donate $47 (or more), pledge to walk/bike/run 47 miles during the month of May, and log your mileage on the site. (You get credit for all the miles you "move", wherever you move--it doesn't have to be on the Vine Trail itself.)
Here's how to sign up and join our team:
Go to:
1. Click on “Sign Up”
2. Click on “Join a team”
3. Choose the "Team Registration" box
4. For Team Registration Choose:
"Sierra Club and friends"
5. In "Tell Us About Yourself," choose "Multi sport" so you get credit for biking/walking/running/dog walking/etc.
6. And then pay.

We will plan a Team Sierra Club event during May so we can cheer each other on together. Let us know when you join the team! Thanks so much--and keep on movin'!
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