Photo by Chris Sauer
Dear Supporter,
Welcome to the Napa Sierra Club's Sept/Oct, 2021 Newsletter. News from the Chair:
Greetings. On September 18th, several members of the Napa Sierra Club’s Excom, along with Jeff Morris from Redwood Chapter, and our two High School Interns Emily and Alisa, attended the American Canyon Community & Parks Foundations (ACCPF) fundraising event at the Ruins. The event was to raise money for the new Wetlands EcoCenter Project. It was truly an amazing event. The Napa Sierra Club agreed to donate $50,000 of its Rohloff Funds, a share of a bequest to the Bay Area Chapters to use for worthy “Save the Bay” causes such as this. Please read the article by Scott Thomason, the President of the ACCPF, about the event as well as more info about the EcoCenter. Jeff Morris, Chris Benz, Alisa Karesh, Emily Bit, Nick Cheranich, and Samantha Smith
There are continuing issues with the development of the County Groundwater Sustainability Plan. Water security for the entire County is at stake. In his excellent article on the subject, below, Excom member David Campbell states that “the County chooses to ignore the reality of the water system as a whole, as it attempts to plan for ongoing sustainability of valley subbasin groundwater resources in the county.” In another article, below, Roland Dumas, PhD creatively explains why the modeling methods used by the County paint a too rosy picture for our water forecasting. The Napa Sierra Club has asked the Groundwater Sustainability Plan Advisory Committee to adopt stronger measures to enhance the sustainability of our fragile water system. Those high priority recommendations can be found here. We are asking you to attend one of the Groundwater Sustainability Plan Advisory Committee meetings to express your concerns.
David Campbell also presented to the Excom about the possible development of the Ghisletta property, which is currently 155 acres of open space just outside the Napa city limits. The Draft 2040 City of Napa General Plan proposes annexing this property for medium density housing. The ExCom voted to support keeping the property as an open space.
Interns Emily and Alisa, in their role as Co-Presidents of Napa Schools for Climate Action, have been extremely busy this summer. Please read how they have been pushing local governments to address several issues regarding the Climate Crisis.
Lastly, the Walt Ranch Conversion Project is back in the news. Please be sure to read Sue Wagner's informative piece on “why this project is a travesty for Napa County.” Thank you.
– Nick Cheranich, Executive Committee Chair