Deforestation: Sounding the Alarm, by Diversity Watch Napa

oak treeA short video by Amber Manfree, Beth Nelsen, Jim Wilson and Patricia Damery about Napa County's Acorns to Oaks project. Featuring students from Schools For Climate Action, Emily Bit and Sophia Rapacon, with support from Dr. Amber Manfree. Sponsored by Sierra Club (Redwood Chapter), Forests Forever, Schools For Climate Action, Napa Climate Now, Growers/Vintners for Responsible Agriculture and Napa Vision 2050. With English subtitles. Napa County needs a moratorium on deforestation and the Napa County Supervisors have the ability to do this but have yet to effect change at this level. If you feel moved to do so, please write the supervisors:

District 1: Brad Wagenknecht

District 2: Ryan Gregory

District 3:Diane Dillon

District 4: Alfredo Pedroza

District 5: Belia Ramos

This video was first made public by Students for Climate Action during their presentation at the Calistoga City Council on July 6, 2021.

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