Napa Sierra Club Helps with Yountville’s Climate Action, by Chris Benz

Yountville, CAYountville enacted a Napa County first last October when the Town Council adopted a ban on gasoline-powered leaf blowers that will take effect on July 1, 2021. The Napa Sierra Club is helping this effort by providing $2000 in funding for bilingual outreach to Yountville residents, businesses and yard care companies.

Over 100 California jurisdictions have some sort of ban on leaf blowers, but Yountville’s is the first in Napa County. The ban came about due to the efforts of five Yountville residents led by Doyaline Marchbanks who were concerned about the public health impacts from leaf blower noise, dust, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This group was recognized as 2020 Climate Champions by Napa Climate NOW!, a 350 Bay Area group.

Yountville realized the role gas leaf blowers play in climate change in its 2016 Climate Action Plan, which estimated that banning gas leaf blowers would reduce emissions by the equivalent of two metric tons of carbon dioxide per year. The Town Council also recognized the cost of the ban on small yard care businesses. Town Manager Steve Rogers explains, “During the discussions on the consequence of implementing a gas leaf blower ban, the Town Council heard from those in the landscape maintenance industry their concern about the cost for replacing a perfectly good gas blower with a battery or electric leaf blower.  Recognizing the potential environmental justice consequences of implementing a ban on gas leaf blowers, the Town Council has committed up to $30,000 in subsidy funding to help partially offset the costs of purchasing the new equipment by those in the landscaping industry working in Yountville to allow them to comply with the ban.”

Yountville 5The Napa Sierra Club is supporting the outreach efforts which can act as a template for other Napa County jurisdictions enacting a similar ban. Erica Teagarden, who will lead the rebate and outreach program, describes the effort: “We will be using a multi-faceted communications approach for our public education campaign.  Messaging regarding the new regulations will be distributed via the Town newsletter, social media channels, press releases and updates with web links pointing to the Ordinance webpage.  A bi-lingual informational mailer will be distributed to all residents and businesses.  Informational signage will be placed in strategic locations throughout town.”

This is an important climate action that should be adopted by all our cities. Yountville Mayor John Dunbar described the benefits, “Our Town Council and staff are committed to environmental stewardship and energy efficiency, as well as community engagement. All of these came together when we adopted the gas-powered leaf blower ordinance. We heard concerns from residents about the noise and air pollution from this equipment. We also recognized the financial implications for small business owners, so we provided financial assistance to help them transition to less environmentally harmful options. Our action will make our neighborhoods cleaner and quieter, will support local businesses, and will provide a model that can be replicated in other communities for an even greater impact for our environment.”

The Yountville Five are: retired teachers Janet Clare-Gotch and Sherry Breitigam, retired real estate broker Doyaline Marchbanks, Master Gardener Penny Proteau, and well-known textile artist Marico Chigyo.

Photo credit (of Yountville): Stan Sheps

Photo credit (of Yountville 5): Unknown


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