Napa Sierra Club Newsletter November 2020


Executive Committee News, Redwoods in St. Helena, Vine Trail Vintner Collection and More!

As we approach the end of a very challenging year for all of us in Napa County, we are looking forward with some hope—hope that the new federal administration will be focused on moving our country forward in reversing climate change and hope that in our local cities we will continue to press forward to become more water-resilient, fire-safe, and have a lower climate impact.

In the Napa Group Executive Committee we will be looking into actions to improve our water security in the face of predicted climate extremes. ExCom member Patricia Damery serves on the SC Northern California Forest Committee which is working on defining “healthy thinning” and a “healthy woodland” to have a better understanding of making forests fire resilient.

We send a heartfelt thanks to Lainey Laband and Julio Venegas who have completed their year as Sierra Club student volunteers. And we give a humongous cheer to Katie Stilwell, our student intern, who was honored as a 2020 Napa County Climate Champion by Napa Climate NOW!

Finally, don’t forget to vote for the new Napa Executive Committee members at, and stay well during this holiday season.

– Chris Benz, ExCom Chair

Vine Trail Vintner Collection

Don't miss this opportunity to get your hands on the first cross-winery wine collection in Napa Valley history. Ten of Napa Valley’s finest wineries have come together to create the Vine Trail Vintner Collection, an exclusive Cabernet Sauvignon series with all proceeds to benefit the completion of the Vine Trail. 

Beloved by locals and tourists alike, the Vine Trail will eventually span 47 miles from Vallejo to Calistoga. Be a part of history and help get this project to the finish line!

Click here to find out more and purchase.

Sierra Club Napa Group

The Importance of Going All-Electric

by Karl Johnson

Why Are All-Electric Buildings Important? - Because they are healthy and affordable and reduce annual building carbon use by 50% to 90%!

Energy used in buildings is the largest source of climate pollution in the world and in California buildings represents 25%, second behind transportation. The California vison for sustainable homes is for them to be highly efficient all-electric buildings incorporating photovoltaic solar (PV) and EV charging. And, as needed, including a battery backup microgrid system for resiliency. These all-electric buildings powered by renewable energy create a climate solution for both our buildings and transportation.

Click here to read the full article

The St. Helena Redwoods: A Future Community Forest

Story and Photo by Paul Asmuth

The Redwood Forest of St. Helena Project proposes to plant, grow and sustainably harvest approximately 3,000 coast redwood trees Sequoia sempervirens on 10 acres of land currently located within the City of St. Helena’s wastewater spray fields.

This project would help reduce local greenhouse gases by sequestering large amounts of carbon and other greenhouse gases within the forest, producing more oxygen for Napa Valley, offering a beautiful forest setting, recreating a forest ecosystem, providing shared revenue from timber sales, and a future community forest for St. Helena.

Click here to read the full article

Sierra Club Napa Group

How Minorities Are Disproportionately Affected by Climate Change, and What We Can Do to Help

Essay by Lainey Laband; Art by Coalition of Climate Justice Movements

Climate Change is a human rights issue. It influences the lives of all humans on Earth, but it has a greater impact on the lives of minorities and indigenous peoples.

Indigenous people are known as people who inherited a land first and have a close connection with that land. For example, the native people of Napa County include the Onastis (Wappo), Miwok, and Hokan (Pomo) people. The Napa Valley is known to be one of the  longest inhabited areas of land in Northern America.

Click here to read the full article

Sierra Club Napa Group

I Am NOT a Birder!

Story and Photo by Roland Dumas

A local Birder--oh sorry, NOT a Birder--Roland Dumas explains his love of photographing them.

Click here to read the full article

Sierra Club Napa Group

Please Vote for Your Local Sierra Club Representatives

Sierra Club elections are taking place now for members of the chapter and local group executive committees. Check out the candidate statements and then cast your vote here.


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