Climate change is upon us, and we are feeling its effects regularly, including changing and intensifying weather patterns, longer stretches of drought, stress on wildlife and disastrous wildfires. It is necessary we take prudent and meaningful action to draw down our greenhouse gas emissions, utilize clean energy and waste less.
Redwood Chapter is calling on all its members to take meaningful action in three key areas:
• Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
• Increase Carbon Storage
• Protect Critical Habitat
What YOU do every day makes a difference
Making conscious decisions about what you eat, how you transport yourself, the clothes you buy and where you shop can make a huge difference in your personal carbon footprint. Here are some goals to think about:
• Reduce your carbon footprint
• Be a climate role model for your family and friends
• Educate yourself and become a climate advocate/activist
• Get active with Sierra Club on issues you have passion for
• Collaborate with like-minded organizations on climate goals and activities
• Educate the public about the real urgency of climate action
• Engage with local officials and municipalities to implement climate-friendly policies
• Work with state officials and agencies to improve California’s response to climate change
• Demand that the federal government move swiftly on climate action
We are looking for energetic community members to join our Redwood Chapter Climate Committee and work in their local communities.
Updates on Climate Action
Check out the recent Sierra Club Redwood Chapter
Climate Webinar - Click Here!Featuring Linda Brown, Sierra Club Napa Group Secretary and Co-Founder of Napa Climate NOW!, this webinar reviews the key factors contributing to climate change, and then delves into important international, national, and, California state initiatives underway that could help advance our efforts toward climate stability. These initiatives revolve around updated climate accounting protocols, which effective translating the latest IPCC-reported climate science into an actionable accounting framework. These protocols are far more comprehensive than the patchwork of protocols currently in use. As a result, they will be more effective in guiding national and subnational jurisdictions toward a climate mitigation roadmap that achieves the greatest heat reduction in the coming decade in the most cost-effective manner.
"U.N. Climate Report is a Call to Action" (Nov 2018)
"Redwood Chapter declares a climate emergency" (February 2019)
Listen to: Achieving Climate Stability Webinar (March 2019)
Redwood Chapter Climate Committee Members
Randal MacDonald: Chair
Linda Brown: Napa Group
Joe Feller: Solano Group
Woody Hastings: Past Chair
Shirley Johnson-Foell: Sonoma Group
Richard Kreis: North Group
Denise Rushing: Lake Group
Mary Walsh: Mendocino Group