Environmental Justice: No new gas stations in Sonoma County continues to press its point

Sonoma Group / CONGAS

We oppose the proposal for a gas station, car wash, RV storage, and food mart at

5300 Sebastopol Road, Santa Rosa (at Hwy 12/Llano Road)

in the unincorporated area of Sonoma County between Sebastopol and Santa Rosa.


The public review period for the California Environmental Quality Act documents (Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration) is now open. Public comments to the Board of Zoning Adjustments are due by June 26. A virtual public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 2.


Letters are needed specifically in response to the IS/MND. For further information and details of who to write to, please see text box on next page.*



Please join us bright & early for a covid-conscious, nonviolent demonstration on


Thursday, June 18, 7:30am to 9am

5300 Sebastopol Road (Highway 12 & Llano Road)

Please come by bicycle on the Joe Rodota trail!


Here is some important logistical information you need to know! Stay tuned – there may be updates and/or revisions to this information as the date approaches.

  • Safety First! Please use common sense and don't take any unnecessary risks.
  • Please do not obstruct traffic. Obstructing traffic is not a part of this action.
  • There is no place to park safely at this location. Please come by bicycle. Coming by bicycle will enhance our visibility and it has obvious relevance to the purpose of our demonstration. We are working to organize bike caravans from Santa Rosa and Sebastopol that can arrive via the Joe Rodota Trail.
  • If you can’t come by bicycle, have someone drop you off. Please don't plan to park a car.
  • Public transit. The SCTA bus Route 20 serves this area, but the current schedule is too infrequent and you would arrive too late.
  • Bring your own home-made sign. If you can fix it to your bike safely so that people can see it as you ride to the demo, great! Something simple like "No New Gas Stations" would be fine. Be as creative as you want!
  • The plan is to line up along the south side of Highway 12, east of Llano Road so that we are visible to morning traffic. There is ample space to stretch a line of demonstrators along the road right in front of the project site.
  • Please wear a mask and maintain 6 feet of separation between you and the next person.
  • Traffic is very noisy at this location between 7:30 and 9am. We won’t be able to hear each other easily so will rely on all of us to use common sense and stay safe.
  • There are no restrooms at this location.
  • It is likely to be warm and sunny on June 18. Bring plenty of water, wear a hat and appropriate clothing, bring sunscreen, etc.



CONGAS Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NoMoreGasoline/


Events page: https://www.facebook.com/events/211140149841829/


Questions?  Contact: congas-contact@gmail.com   707-238-2298