Your vote needed June 5

by Victoria Brandon, Redwood Chapter Political Chair

We seem to be in the middle of a pivotal year for the environment, nationally and locally, as outrage over the excesses of the Trump administration fuels a level of grassroots activism that hasn’t been seen for many years. The 2018 elections provide a vital opportunity to restore a Congressional bulwark against the cynical efforts to roll back environmental protections at a time when climate disruption makes them more important than ever. 

Closer to home, we think that the election of candidates endorsed by the Sierra Club offers the best hope of protecting the best qualities of the North Coast—abundant open space, towering forests, free-running rivers, charming, friendly small towns with a rural atmosphere—so we’re asking our members to support those individuals who appear on the endorsement list on the back page of this newsletter. Please also consider making a personal endorsement, volunteering a few hours of time, or providing financial support: the future of all our communities hangs in the balance this year, and action by Club members can potentially tip that balance.

Above all, please be sure to VOTE on June 5!