Taylor Mountain receives trail grant

by Victoria Brandon, Redwood Chapter Chair

Just as the Redwood Needles was going to press the Chapter was delighted to learn that Sonoma County has received a $1.7 million federal grant to build eight miles of new trails at Taylor Mountain Regional  Park and Open Space Preserve in Santa Rosa. The project, one of the largest trails projects in county history, will open the northeast section of the 1,100 park to public access.

Work will start in the spring, according to county parks director Caryl Hart, and will include new trailheads on Kawana Terrace, Linwood Avenue and Panorama Drive to make access easier for nearby residents.

 “Taylor Mountain is one of the greatest gems we have,” said Sonoma County Supervisor Shirlee Zane, whose district includes the park. “It’s in the backyard of the southeast Santa Rosa section of the city that is absolutely in need of parks and open spaces.”

The county applied for the $1.7 million grant for the trail work through the Federal Highway Administration’s Recreational Trails Program in September 2015. Approval was contingent upon an $80,000 local match by the Sonoma County Regional Parks Foundation, which Redwood Chapter was proud to support with a $2000 donation early in 2016 and sponsorship of a volunteer work day in October.

Now we’re looking forward to hiking on some of those great new trails!