Rep. Mike Thompson opposes the TPP

Great Breaking News! Despite strong pressure from the Obama administration and some of his powerful donors, Congressman Mike Thompson has issued a strongly worded statement opposing the Tran-Pacific Partnership toxic trade deal.

Redwood Chapter representatives, in partnership with North Bay labor organizations and others, have had an ongoing dialog on this subject with Congressman Thompson over the past two years. Although he always seemed receptive to our point of view, it wasn't until after an August 18 meeting organized by the Citizens Trade Campaign where Sonoma Group activist June Brashares represented the  Club, that he issued a letter saying in part: " I have carefully reviewed the released TPP language with a sharp eye and concern for safety, labor, and environmental protections … Based on this stringent review, I do not believe the TPP, as currently drafted, meets the standard for a good trade deal. Although the agreement may be improved on, I cannot support the TPP at this time.”

He reiterated his opposition to the TPP over the Labor Day weekend while speaking at the Central Labor Council’s Labor Breakfast: “The TPP that’s before us now is not good trade policy. The TPP doesn’t protect American jobs, it doesn’t protect workers in foreign countries, it doesn’t protect our environment, and it’s just terrible on the issue of currency manipulation.”

Rep. Thompson’s announcement falls on the heels of House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi’s recent rejection of the TPP, adding to the growing chorus of opposition to the controversial trade pact, including the vast majority of Democratic Party members, both major presidential candidates, and a broad national coalition of labor, environmental, public health, family farm, social justice, and consumer protection advocates.

The Sierra Club thanks Congressman Thompson for hearing our concern that the TPP would enable polluting fossil fuel corporations to undermine national laws that protect our health, safety, and planet. We applaud him for standing up for our communities and the environment in opposing the proposed TPP.

Please add your voice by calling Mike’s office at 707-226-9898 to say “thank you for standing with us to protect the environment, working families, and our communities.”

Club activist June Brashares, Napa-Solano Labor Council director Jon Riley, and others meeting with Congressman Thompson