Ready For 100 Brand: Style Guide and Campaign Materials

Ready For 100 Brand: Style Guide and Campaign Materials

An illustration shows a tee-shirt, a banner, and a poster with the RF100 campaign graphic on each item.

Covering both C3 and C4 brands, this style guide provides you with everything you need to know about staying on brand – legally, compliantly, and creatively.

The Ready For 100 campaign is distributed and decentralized, allowing the campaign to look and feel different city to city. Our brand unifies our movement across the country, but encourages local teams and activists to personalize it to their work and community.

Covering both C3 and C4 brands, this style guide provides you with everything you need to know about staying on brand – legally, compliantly, and creatively. It contains information about how to use our logos, graphics, colors, fonts, and more. You can also access the campaign’s swag resources.

Legal note: All of the Ready For 100 brand materials are Sierra Club intellectual property, and are considered “logos” subject to the Sierra Club Brand Style Guide. A special exception is being made to allow grassroots modifications of the campaign graphics (the ones with windmills and other elements). Any customized graphics remain the intellectual property of the Sierra Club. The official Sierra Club Ready For 100 logos (the ones with the tree) may not be modified.

Using Ready For 100 Branding

Using Ready For 100 branded materials means you are agreeing to use them in accordance with the Campaign Principles and the Sierra Club Brand Style Guide, and to follow the rules below.

There are two discrete programs, each with its own brand: Ready For 100 and Ready For 100 Action.

  • Ready For 100 is a C3-funded program to engage in public education and administrative advocacy to build support for a transition to 100% clean, renewable energy.

  • Ready For 100 Action is a C4-funded program, with the purpose of influencing legislation or asking legislators to take certain actions, like passing a piece of legislation.

From a compliance perspective, it’s important to keep these two brands separate and ensure that you are using the right set of visuals and materials for each type of activity. Learn more about C3/C4 compliance. For any questions about the differences in C3 and C4 activities, email


Compliance Guidance

A guide to what the Ready For 100 campaign can and cannot legally do, based on IRS Compliance regulations.

Important note: Ready For 100 and Ready For 100 Action brand materials may not be used for political or electoral purposes, including endorsing candidates.

C3 Branding

For most of your work, you’ll use this set of branding. C3 means you’re engaging in public education or administrative advocacy.


Ready For 100 c3 Style Guide

Information about using Ready For 100 branding, downloadable files and graphics, and guidance for customizing this campaign’s graphics to be your own.


Use these colors to create that “Ready For 100” feel.




R: 0 G: 130B: 148

PMS 3145

C: 80 M: 10 Y: 20 K: 30


R: 0  G: 59 B: 74

PMS 309

C: 100 M: 9 Y: 20 K: 75


R: 137 G: 210 B: 216

PMS 318

C: 40 M: 0 Y: 14  K: 0


R: 247  G: 190 B: 0

PMS 7406

C: 0  M: 25 Y: 100 K: 2

A note about accessibility: To make sure everyone can easily read your materials, you should make sure to use high contrast combinations when including text. For these colors those combinations are:

  • Yellow with navy or black
  • Light blue with or black
  • Medium blue with white or black
  • Navy with yellow, light blue, or white


Use these fonts on your presentations, printed materials, or even your social graphics.

Primary Font: Ringside

The font we’d prefer you to use is called Ringside. However, to use it you must purchase a license and the Ready For 100 campaign is unable to provide funds for this purpose. If you want it, you may buy Ringside yourself.


Alternative Font: Lato

Since we do not expect most people to purchase Ringside, the alternative you should use is Lato. You can download Lato for free from Google.


Downloadable Files and Graphics

Logos may not be used for political or electoral purposes, including endorsing candidates.


The campaign graphic is the perfect way to customize your own local campaign. You can modify to add your location. Interested in more customization? Check out the customization section below for ideas and inspiration.


Ready For 100 Campaign Graphic

Use this campaign graphic to customize your own local campaign.


You are welcome to use our official campaign logo, but you cannot modify it. If you’re looking for something more customizable, check out the campaign graphic.

We have two orientations, offered in color, white, and black. We prefer that you use the color version whenever possible, but the white and black should be used when the background is something other than white.


Ready For 100 Campaign Logo

Download the official Ready For 100 campaign logo.


Ready For 100 (C3) files to download:

C4 Branding

Use this branding when your team is participating in legislative lobbying activities, such as asking government officials to take action on a piece of legislation. Not sure if you should use it? Learn more about C3/C4 compliance.


Ready For 100 Action C4 Style Guide

Information about using Ready For 100 Action branding, downloadable files and graphics, and guidance for customizing this campaign’s graphics to be your own.


Use these colors to create that “Ready For 100 Action” feel.




R:78 G:201 B:245

PMS 305

C:58 M:0 Y:0 K:0


R:80 G:129 B:66

PMS 363

C:70 M:12 Y:100 K:22


R:57 G:59 B:60

PMS 447

C:58 M:52 Y:55 K:65

A note about accessibility: To make sure everyone can easily read your materials, you should make sure to use high contrast combinations when including text. For these colors those combinations are:

  • Blue with gray and black
  • Green with black and white
  • Gray with blue and white


Use these fonts on your presentations, printed materials, or even your social graphics. They are the same as the C3 Fonts.

Primary Font: Ringside

The font we’d prefer you to use is called Ringside. However, to use it you must purchase a license and the Ready For 100 campaign is unable to provide funds for this purpose. If you want it, you may buy Ringside yourself.


Alternative Font: Lato

Since we do not expect most people to purchase Ringside, the alternative you should use is Lato. You can download Lato for free from Google.


Downloadable Files and Graphics

Logos may not be used for political or electoral purposes, including endorsing candidates.


Like the C3 campaign graphic, the C4 campaign graphic is a good way to put your own unique spin on your branding since you can modify it. Check out the customization section below for ideas and inspiration.


Ready For 100 Action Campaign Graphic

Use this campaign graphic to customize your own local campaign.


You are welcome to use the official Ready For 100 Action campaign logos. These look similar to the C3 logos, so please double check you’re using the right one for the correct purpose. The C4 logos have “Action” after “100”.

To keep branding unity across the organization, the logo cannot be modified and should be used for official purposes (such as a watermark or letterhead, insignia in presentations or reports, social media graphics, or official correspondence).

See FAQ below on when to use the logo and when to use the graphic.

You can use either orientation in colored, white, or black. Use the all white or all black versions when the background is something other than white.


Ready For 100 Action Campaign Logo

Download the official Ready For 100 Action campaign logo.


Ready For 100 Action (C4) files to download:


Ready For 100 loves customization! The national campaign graphics and logos may be used according to the guidance above, but you may also want to develop personalized materials for your team and efforts, using a customized graphic of your own. Use our colors and fonts to keep the general RF100 branding, but bring regional and local components for a customized vision.

The Sierra Club Creative Department recommends using Canva as a free tool for creating graphics. Share your team’s logo with!

You may modify the Campaign Graphics (but not the Campaign Logo) to create your own graphic. Any customized graphics remain the intellectual property of the Sierra Club.


Wind power is not widely available in Georgia, so communities in the state are prioritizing solar energy as a way to reach 100% renewable. The Georgia graphic replaced the RF100 campaign graphic of a continental U.S. map with one of the state, and the wind turbines with solar panels.

Local activists wanted to personalize their RF100 graphic to speak to their city. The Gateway Arch is a distinctive part of the St. Louis skyline, and the team put it on its shirt.

All About Swag

It’s time to talk about stuff we all get (swag)! If you've ever purchased an item or worn a piece of apparel that has a logo or slogan on it, then chances are you already know all about swag.

Swag are physical materials that can be seen -- like a poster, banner, or lawn sign -- or worn -- like a sticker, sweatshirt, t-shirt, or tote bag. These materials display a graphic or message to draw attention and spread awareness about an issue. Swag can even recruit new action takers -- by directing people to a website or social media handle or hashtag.

At Ready For 100, we use swag to draw people's attention -- such as a banner at a tabling event, show unity --such as a team wearing matching t-shirts, to spread a message -- such as lawn signs placed throughout a community, and more! Our swag is meant to be worn, held, displayed, or handed out, by Ready For 100 teams to amplify the work of your local campaign. We do not use swag for fundraising (such as selling t-shirts or stickers).

We prohibit the use of any Ready For 100, or Ready For 100 Action branded materials for fundraising or commercial purposes. Swag materials may not be sold or traded under any circumstances.

FAQs About Ready For 100 Branding

The Ready For 100 and Ready For 100 Action campaign graphics are best used for informal purposes, or in instances where eye-catching visuals are an asset, such as in signage, on shirts, or for stickers. You’re welcome to modify those graphics to bring a local flavor to your work.

The campaign logo, on the other hand, cannot be modified.  When using a watermark or letterhead, including an insignia in presentations, or making social media graphics, the campaign logo should be used. When using the logo, always follow the Sierra Club Brand Style Guide. 

Examples of when to use the Ready For 100 campaign graphic

  • On signs, banners, t-shirts, or other attention getting swag materials

  • On informal handouts given to the public

Examples of when to use the Ready For 100 campaign logo

  • On official correspondence, such as emails or letters to your target

  • Sign-on letters, or petitions

  • On slide decks for official presentations

The Campaign Logo (with the tree) generally can’t be used by other organizations, except under a written agreement approved by authorized people. 

You have more flexibility in how you use the Campaign Graphic (with the windmill) and your own customized marks. Here are some things to consider: Unless your coalition is named after Ready For 100—like with the “Ready For 100 Chicago Collective”—it’s better to include logos from all participating organizations in coalition branding rather than selecting one group’s brand. In the case of groups like NY Renews (of which Sierra Club is only one of 200+ members), coalitions might actually have their own distinct branding! It’s best to check with other members about how the coalition wants to identify itself and where individual campaigns or organizations fit in.

If you are collaborating with other organizations to host an event, publish a report, sign a letter, etc. and prefer to identify as Ready For 100, using the RF100 campaign graphic or logo to indicate your affiliation is appropriate. Please email with any questions on endorsement or partnership decisions. 

It bears repeating that Ready For 100 branding cannot be used for political or electoral work. If you have questions about official Sierra Club endorsements, please email

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