Pacific Northwest

Todd Lake Todd Lake, Deschutes National Forest

The wild mountains and forests of the Pacific Northwest contain some of the most spectacular lands, rivers, and recreation opportunities in the country. These lands are rich wildlife, provide drinking water for communities, and serve as a cultural cornerstone for Native communities. Healthy forests, rivers, waters are vital to the communities, clean water, and wildlife across the region-- supporting everything from five species of wild salmon to Orca populations while supporting the region’s Tribal culture and communities.

Yet polluted runoff, manure and sewage seepage, along with dirty fossil fuel projects, disruptive development and climate change threaten to kill the Puget Sound-- one of the most beautiful and important landscapes in the entire region. Saving the Sound requires communities to come together to address the whole of these problems.

Our Wild America is working to protect the headwaters and forests that ensure the water feeding the Sound remains pure. We’re pushing to reduce toxic runoff and other pollution that dirties the water,  jeopardizing the health of local people and the sea life that supports them. At the same time work is ongoing to end threats posed by fossil fuel infrastructure and transportation nearby-- focused on promoting a clean energy and transportation transition in Washington. Our Wild America is dedicated to pursuing the needed restoration and protection to return the Puget Sound to health-- improving the lives of Washingtonians and providing a haven for iconic wildlife like salmon and Orca.