Press Releases

March 16, 2023

BOSTON, MA. --  Long start-ups and other time constraints are not adequately considered when determining energy resource value at ISO New England, according to a new report authored by Synapse Energy Economics, Inc. The result is less grid reliability than consumers pay for and an unfair advantage for polluting, slow-to-start fossil fuel plants over renewable alternatives and fast-acting energy storage. 

March 15, 2023

Cameron Parish, LA - Yesterday evening, Sierra Club, on behalf of itself and Center for Biological Diversity, Healthy Gulf, Louisiana Bucket Brigade, and Turtle Island Restoration Network, filed a lawsuit against the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for approving another methane gas expor

March 15, 2023

Report includes nine recommendations to Washington State Investment Board

March 15, 2023

'Deference to choice can’t be a shield for abdication of responsible risk management'

March 15, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- EPA is taking action to reduce harmful smog pollution today by finalizing the agency’s Good Neighbor Plan for the 2015 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard. The new federal program will protect residents in dozens of states who are unknowingly and unwillingly subjected to smog pollution from power plants and industrial facilities in other states, often hundreds of miles away.

15 de marzo de 2023

La secretaria del Interior, Deb Halland, retiró una propuesta de intercambio de terrenos entre su Departamento y la King Cove Corporation en el Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre de Izembek, en Alaska.

15 de marzo de 2023

Seis grupos presentaron un pleito en la Corte de Circuito Federal acusando al Departamento del Interior, varias agencias y funcionarios de violar varias leyes al autorizar el Proyecto Willow de explotación petrolera y gasera de ConocoPhillips.

March 14, 2023


March 14, 2023

ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Six groups filed a lawsuit today in U.S. District Court charging the Interior Department, multiple agencies, and agency officials with violating an array of laws when authorizing ConocoPhillips’ Willow oil and gas project in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska. No single oil and gas project has more potential to set back the Biden administration’s climate and public lands protection goals than Willow — the largest new oil and gas project proposed on federal lands.

Earthjustice will be filing an additional lawsuit shortly.

March 14, 2023

Cummins just announced a new electrification brand “Accelera” and a project with Blue Bird that plans to put 1,000 electric school buses on the road in the next 12 to 18 months. Cummins is still a part of the Truck and Engine Manufacturers Association, a trade association that has fought for years to delay progress on the transition to electric trucks. The EMA urged the EPA to adopt weak federal NOx standards during the agency’s May 2022 public hearing, though it claims to support strong standards.