Press Releases

April 27, 2023

BERKELEY, CA. At a press conference on the steps of Berkeley City Hall, Councilmember Kate Harrison, flanked by lawmakers, community members, and public health and environmental advocates, outlined a path forward for the city’s building electrification ordinance after a misguided challenge from the Ninth Circuit Court. Councilmember Harrison authored the 2019 ordinance, which phases out gas piping in new buildings.

April 27, 2023

HELENA, MT -- Yesterday, the Montana House of Representatives voted to ban Representative Zooey Zephyr, the state’s only transgender lawmaker, from the House floor, anteroom, or gallery for the rest of the session after she spoke out against proposed legislation to ban gender-affirming care for trans youth. House Republicans began purposefully silencing Rep. Zephyr last Thursday and voted on Monday to continue disallowing her to speak. Rep. Zephyr’s constituents and supporters were arrested on Monday during a peaceful protest of the vote. Montana Republicans used unprecedented means to push bills targeting the state's environmental protections, public participation, and democracy this session. To date, 11 other states have passed similarly extreme anti-trans legislation.

27 de abril de 2023

Los republicanos de la Cámara de Representantes finalmente aprobaron su regalo legislativo a los contaminadores en lugar de cumplir con su obligación de elevar el techo de deuda y evitar una crisis financiera.

April 26, 2023

House Republicans just passed their polluter wishlist bill in exchange for fulfilling their obligation to raise the debt ceiling and avert a financial crisis. The final version of the bill included even more drastic cuts to widely-supported programs and efforts after changes were made in the middle of the night to garner support of some holdouts within their caucus. President Biden has already vowed to veto the bill, which means this stunt gives Congress little time to seriously address the possibility of defaulting on the nation’s debt.

April 26, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC - Today, a key Senate committee advanced Julie Su, President Biden’s nominee for labor secretary. Su is a civil rights lawyer, a former California labor commissioner, and is the current acting head of the Department of Labor. Next, the full Senate will hold a confirmation vote.

April 26, 2023

CenterPoint Energy today announced its 20-year energy plan, which includes ending coal burning at its Culley 3 unit in Warrick County. Culley 3 is the last of CenterPoint’s coal units to be announced for retirement. AB Brown retires this year and Culley 2 retires in 2025. CenterPoint also plans to end its cooperation agreement with Alcoa to burn coal at Unit 4 of its Warrick Super Polluter coal plant in 2024.

April 26, 2023

A Special Permit for the transport of liquefied natural gas (LNG) in rail cars has been denied by the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) for a proposed project that would export LNG.

April 26, 2023

As shareholders vote on climate proposals, advocacy groups draw attention to bank’s continued financing of fossil fuels despite its climate pledges

April 26, 2023

Washington, DC – As House Republicans prepare to bring their extreme polluter wishlist to the floor in exchange for raising the debt ceiling and averting financial crisis, they’ve reportedly made changes to the bill in the middle of the night in hopes

April 25, 2023

Seattle, WA — Nineteen health, environmental justice, and environmental groups submitted a public letter today calling on the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency (PSCAA) to tackle dangerous air pollution from fossil fuel heating appliances by kicking off development of a zero-emission standard, which would ensure that only pollution-free heating appliances like heat pumps are sold beginning from a specified start date.