Press Releases

May 31, 2023

SALT LAKE CITY, UT Today Rocky Mountain Power submitted its biennial Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) that foreshadows where the utility plans to get power for the next twenty years. Although the plan forecasts substantial and needed acquisition of new clean energy resources, Rocky Mountain Power stopped short of committing to the clean energy future the world’s leading scientists have made clear is necessary to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. 

May 31, 2023

St. Louis, MO -- In a harmful decision for communities in Missouri and across the country, last week the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals halted a decision by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to disapprove Missouri’s inadequate plan to address smog pollution, threatening the implementation of a national plan to address cross-state air pollution. 

May 29, 2023

Washington, DC – After weeks of Republicans threatening to default on America’s debts for extreme cuts in spending and fossil fuel industry handouts, Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy and President Biden agreed to a deal to raise the country’s debt ceiling.

May 26, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the DC Circuit granted environmental and community groups a partial victory in a case challenging several orders by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission related to the Mountain Valley Pipeline.

May 25, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC -- Today, a five-Justice conservative majority of the Supreme Court ruled to gut clean water protections for millions of Americans. The case, Sackett v. EPA, is a corporate polluter-backed effort to dismantle the Clean Water Act by narrowing the definition of the Waters of the United States (WOTUS). The Court’s decision will open millions of acres of wetlands – all formerly protected by the Clean Water Act – to pollution and destruction, including by negating many of President Biden’s wetland protections in his new WOTUS rule released last year. The majority decision – delivered by Justice Alito and joined by Justices Roberts, Thomas, Gorsuch, and Barrett – puts the drinking water supplies of millions of Americans at risk.

May 25, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC -- This week, House Republicans voted to nullify the Biden-Harris Administration’s federal standard to reduce smog- and soot-forming pollution from heavy-duty vehicles through the Congressional Review Act (CRA).

May 25, 2023

St. Louis, MO – A report released by the Sierra Club today reveals that by strengthening and enforcing federal air quality standards, the owners of 64% of remaining coal plants would be required to more stringently address harmful pollution from their facilities.

May 25, 2023

A report released by the Sierra Club today reveals that by strengthening and enforcing federal air quality standards, the owners of 64% of remaining coal plants would be required to more stringently address harmful pollution from their facilities.

May 24, 2023

Organizations  Challenge FERC for Approving Several LNG Projects in the Rio Grande Valley and Southwest Louisiana

May 24, 2023

Proposal receives 10% support from investors, the highest of all shareholder resolutions filed at the asset manager this year