Press Releases

July 12, 2023

'This crusade against sustainable investing is nothing more than a manufactured culture war backed by fossil fuel interests and dark money funders.'

July 12, 2023


July 12, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Six Gulf and national environmental groups submitted a petition today to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) within the Department of the Interior calling on the agency to end a routine practice of fast-tracking approval for offshore oil and gas projects.

July 12, 2023

This morning, DTE filed a settlement agreement with Sierra Club and other parties to solidify the utility’s long-term plans for serving its customers’ energy needs. Upon approval by the Michigan Public Service Commission, this settlement of litigation over DTE’s Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) will put Michigan on track to end the burning of coal for electric generation in less than a decade, a major milestone for climate progress in the state.

July 11, 2023

Executive Director Ben Jealous to speak at press conference on Wednesday, July 12 at 1:30pm ET

July 11, 2023

It has been reported that a gas well in Columbiana County, Ohio has sprung a leak after a contractor hit the wellhead. The size of the spill is still unknown, but more than 450 people have been evacuated.

July 11, 2023

Under new court decision blocking key pathway to cut pollution from new construction, Eugene forced to withdraw electrification ordinance and develop new policy

July 11, 2023

Hoy, grupos presentaron dos demandas federales que impugnan la decisión de la Comisión Federal Reguladora de Energía (FERC) de aprobar dos terminales de exportación de gas licuado (LNG), Texas LNG, Rio Grande LNG y el oleoducto asociado Rio Bravo.

July 11, 2023

Today, by a vote of 18 to zero with one abstention, the Pennsylvania Environmental Quality Board voted to dismiss a rulemaking petition to raise oil and gas bonds for conventional wells in Pennsylvania originally filed by the Sierra Club, Clean Air Council, Earthworks, Mountain Watershed Association, PennFuture, and Protect Penn-Trafford in the fall of 2021.

July 11, 2023

Today, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit issued a stay of the biological opinion and incidental take statement under the Endangered Species Act for the Mountain Valley Pipeline.