Press Releases

June 18, 2017

COLUMBUS, OH – The Sierra Club launched a radio advertising campaign this week denouncing the Ohio Investor Owned Utilities’ push for a legislative coal bailout at the Statehouse. HB 239 and SB 155 would cost customers more than $2 billion to keep two dirty coal-burning plants operating.  

June 18, 2017

Washington, DC -- Last month, Donald Trump announced two nominees for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), Neil Chatterjee and Rob Powelson. Both were voted out of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources and floor votes on their nominations are expected to be held soon.

June 15, 2017

CARSON CITY, NEVADA -- Governor Sandoval vetoed Assembly Bill 206, which would have raised Nevada’s Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) from 25 percent by the year 2025 to 40 percent by 2030.

June 15, 2017

Washington, DC -- Today, TransCanada, the foreign oil company behind the proposed Keystone XL pipeline, filed a motion urging the federal court in Montana to dismiss a lawsuit against the Trump administration over its approval of the controversial tar sands pipeline. This follows the filing of a similar motion from the administration late last week, which claimed that Trump’s approval of the pipeline is not subject to review by the court.

June 15, 2017

Summit County, UT --On Wednesday, June 14, Summit County Council adopted a resolution that recognized the value of federal public lands to the county, Utah’s economy, recreation, heritage, and quality of life.  This resolution also supported Bears Ears National Monument and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. The resolution is one of three that have been adopted throughout the state to protect the integrity of our public lands, including our national monuments.

June 15, 2017

Boston, MA — In response to the Secretary of Department of the Interior, Ryan Zinke visiting Boston today, residents rallied in support of US National Monuments, such as Bears Ears in Utah, and the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument by holding signs and using social media. These monuments safeguard marine treasures off the coast of Cape Cod including spectacular underwater landscapes and sea life that is under stress from climate change.

June 14, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Earlier today, reports broke that the Department of Energy will close its Office of International Climate and Technology. This move comes after Trump announced that the U.S.

June 14, 2017

WASHINGTON, DC. - Today, Donald Trump’s EPA administrator, Scott Pruitt, faced scrutiny in his testimony before Congress about the Trump Administration’s proposed cuts to essential programs that protect the air and water that all Americans breathe and drink.  


June 14, 2017

Washington, DC -- Late yesterday, Judge James Boasberg of the U.S. District Court of Washington, DC ruled that the federal permits granted to Energy Transfer Partners to construct the fracked oil Dakota Access Pipeline across the Missouri River -- just upstream from the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe -- failed to fulfill National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements, violating the law.

June 14, 2017

Pittsburgh, PA — The Sierra Club with local residents delivered a water sample from the Allegheny River to the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) today urging them to update expired water permits for 11 coal-fired power plants in the state, including the Cheswick plant. In addition to the event, the Sierra Club filed suit against the DEP today for failing to update the coal plants’ permits in a timely manner.