Press Releases

March 29, 2017

Washington, DC -- Donald Trump’s North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) draft renegotiation notice has been revealed, exposing his plan for altering the trade pact. The plan shows only minimal changes to the existing trade deal, widely opposed by workers, environmentalists, and communities across the country.

March 28, 2017

Washington, DC -- Today, just after Donald Trump signed an executive order meant to undermine U.S. climate policy, Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke signed a Secretarial Order cancelling the moratorium on new and modified coal leasing on public lands. The temporary pause was put in place by the Obama Administration in 2016 as taxpayers were losing hundreds of millions of dollars a year while public lands, critical water resources, and the climate were being threatened and damaged.

March 27, 2017

Statement of Lisa Hoyos, Director of Climate Parents, on Donald Trump’s anti-environmental executive orders at EPA

March 27, 2017

OAKLAND, Calif. - Anheuser-Busch InBev today announced its commitment to transition to 100 percent renewable energy by 2025. AB InBev is now the largest beer maker in the world to commit to powering all of its electricity with clean, renewable energy sources like wind and solar.


In response, Jodie Van Horn, Director of the Sierra Club’s Ready for 100 campaign, issued the following statement:


March 27, 2017

Minneapolis, MN -- Yesterday, the Department of State’s comment period for environmental review of Canadian company Enbridge’s Alberta Clipper pipeline concluded with high public participation. Nearly 90,000 comments in opposition to the project were submitted, with Americans sharing their serious concerns with the current draft environmental review.

March 27, 2017

OKLAHOMA CITY -  Donald Trump signed an executive order today to begin the process of repealing several Obama-era executive actions tackling the climate crisis and protecting clean air and water. Trump’s order includes steps to begin the process of dismantling the Clean Power Plan and attacks on protections to clean air and clean water.

The Clean Power Plan protects the health of Oklahoma’s families and communities by curbing dangerous carbon pollution and reducing other toxic pollutants like mercury, nitrogen oxides, and sulfur dioxide.

March 27, 2017

Austin, TX - Donald Trump signed an executive order today to begin the process of repealing several Obama-era executive actions tackling the climate crisis and protecting clean air and water. Trump’s order includes steps to begin the process of dismantling the Clean Power Plan and attacks on the Clean Air Act.  

March 27, 2017


Boston, MA - The Boston metropolitan area created more than 2.300 new jobs in the state’s growing solar industry last year, according to a report released today by The Solar Foundation. The Boston area is now home to 12,487 solar jobs, an increase of 24% from 2015 figures. The findings highlight the enormous jobs potential for a transition to 100 percent clean and renewable energy in Boston, as well as the opportunity for Mayor Walsh to be a leader on creating more family-sustaining, union jobs in a growing industry across the region.


March 27, 2017

LITTLE ROCK -   Donald Trump will sign an executive order today to begin the process of repealing several Obama-era executive actions tackling the climate crisis and protecting clean air and water. Trump’s order includes steps to begin the process of dismantling the Clean Power Plan and attacks on protections to clean air and clean water.


March 27, 2017

Chicago, IL - Today, President Donald Trump is expected to sign an executive order to begin the process of repealing several Obama-era actions tackling the climate crisis and protecting clean air and water, including steps to begin the process of dismantling the Clean Power Plan, roll back Oil and Gas New Source Performance Standards, rescind NEPA guidance that directs agencies to account for the climate crisis, and end efforts to reform the broken federal coal leasing program.