Press Releases

January 11, 2017

The Sierra Club praised news today that President Obama will designate new national monuments recognizing the country’s civil rights history

January 11, 2017

The Sierra Club and its allies have filed a lawsuit in the Superior Court of Fulton County demanding that state regulators protect Georgia’s drinking water and rivers from mercury, arsenic, and other dangerous pollutants by updating long-expired permits on five Georgia Power Co., coal-fired power plants.

January 11, 2017

Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced findings that Fiat Chrysler used cheat devices in more than 100,000 U.S. diesel vehicles sold since 2014, including the Dodge Ram 1500 pickup trucks and Jeep Grand Cherokees with 3.0-liter diesel engines. These emissions cheating devices allow the vehicles to pass emissions control tests while emitting excess emissions when in daily use.

January 11, 2017

Today, just ahead of the confirmation hearing for Donald Trump’s nominee for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Sierra Club released two hard-hitting ads revealing why Scott Pruitt’s history as a polluter ally makes him unfit to head the agency.

January 10, 2017

Today, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee started the confirmation process to consider President-elect Donald Trump’s selection for Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson. During the hearing, Rex Tillerson claimed that climate science is not conclusive.

January 10, 2017

Yesterday, a federal appellate court ruled that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency had the legal authority to take action against DTE Energy after the company put public health at risk by failing to apply for a New Source Review (NSR) permit under the Clean Air Act.

January 10, 2017

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) released a comprehensive review today which found that coal companies are being given subsidized access to public lands and depriving taxpayers of millions of dollars of royalties every year.

January 10, 2017

Today, President Elect Donald Trump held his first press conference since July 27, 2016 while the Senate Foreign Relations committee held a hearing on his nominee for Secretary of State, former Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson.

January 10, 2017

Today, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee is holding a hearing to examine the nomination of former ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson to be Secretary of State.

January 9, 2017

In the most recent of the six State of the State addresses scheduled throughout the week, Governor Cuomo announced to a Long Island audience today that New York is committed to building 2,400 megawatts (MW) of offshore wind power by 2030 – enough to power 1.25 million homes.