Press Releases

September 28, 2017

The Sierra Club notified the Wolf administration that Transco has suspended air quality monitoring at two locations during its construction of the fracked gas Atlantic Sunrise Pipeline

September 28, 2017

Today, the Wisconsin Public Service Commission held a hearing to get public input on a wind development proposed by Madison Gas & Electric to be built in Iowa. Sierra Club and others urged the Commission to approve the project, and argued that the 66 megawatt wind farm doesn’t go far enough, and that adding larger blocks of wind will further reduce customer bills and provide clean energy that customers want.

September 28, 2017

Washington, DC -- EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt’s taxpayer-covered tab continues to skyrocket, even surpassing embattled Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price. Since taking office in January, Pruitt has spent at least close to $60,000 on private planes, nearly $25,000 on a soundproof privacy booth in his already secure EPA office, and more than $830,000 in only a three month period on unprecedented of around-the-clock security, totalling close to a $1 million tab for the American taxpayers.

September 28, 2017

Widespread electric vehicle (EV) adoption in Illinois could bring the state up to $43 billion in cumulative benefits by 2050 stemming from reduced utility bills, Illinois driver savings on fuel, vehicle expenses, and carbon pollution reduction, according to a new analysis by M.J. Bradley & Associates that was commissioned by the Charge Up Midwest coalition.

September 26, 2017

Beallsville, MD--Today the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) hosted the second of three hearings this week allowing for public comments on their proposals to update water pollution permits for the Morgantown, Dickerson, and Chalk Point coal-fired power plants. The Sierra Club with local residents and allied organizations spoke out for stronger protections to keep coal waste and toxins out of the Chesapeake Bay and Maryland’s drinking water.

September 27, 2017

WASHINGTON, DC - In a statement to Reuters, a DHS spokesman revealed that the Trump Administration is refusing to waive the Jones Act, a shipping restriction, in the wake of Hurricane Maria. Last month the DHS waived this restriction for the areas impacted by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma to assist in recovery by providing increased access to resources such as gasoline. Their decision to withhold these same provision from the victims of Hurricane Maria has been met with pushback from several members of Congress, including Rep. Keith Ellison, and Sen. John McCain.

September 27, 2017

The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee on National Parks will hold a hearing today focused on encouraging the next generation to visit national parks.

September 27, 2017

Washington, DC -- EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt appears to be seeking to one-up Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price as he comes under fire for racking up hundreds of thousands of taxpayers’ dollars on private plane use.

September 27, 2017

Today, Prairie Rivers Network, Springfield Branch of the NAACP and the Sangamon Valley Group of the Sierra Club announced a joint filing of a complaint with the Illinois Pollution Control Board (IPCB) against City Water, Light and Power’s (CWLP) Dallman Coal Plant for over 600 cases of self-reported groundwater violations since 2010. These include violations for arsenic, lead, boron, chromium, manganese, iron and other pollutants.

September 27, 2017

Last week, Citigroup and JPMorgan announced their commitments to power all their operations with renewable energy by 2020. However, both banks continue to invest in dirty fossil fuel pipelines and other projects that contribute to climate change and threaten human rights.